You’re right. The edge of the screen is just outside the viewing area. That’s the limit where game assets seem to be. This is much easier to see if you’re playing Ms. Fortune. Leave your head in one side, then move alongside the opponent to the complete opposite direction. Then hit HP. The head will now be visible, because it actually was dragged by the edge of the limiting space. Same with your assist examples.
This is actually also a good thing for Fortune because the head will ALWAYS be in range even when outside of the screen. A b+HP or F+HP will always bring it close enough to OTG from a launcher combo.
[LEFT]Console : Xbox 360[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Console model : Resi 5 Red OG 360[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Hard drive size : 120[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Game mode glitch occurred in : Versus Online[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Team and assists you used (if you remember) : Val (mortuary drop)/ Double (HK Hornet bomber)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Team and assists opponent used (if you remember) : Val (Bypass)/ Cerebella (Diamond Drop)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Stage being played : Cathedral but we tried it on others and it works[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Type of glitch : Character stuck in place glitch[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Other : We only tested it with double and valentine, but I bet it works with everyone else. It only seemed to happen when we did the ram charge and then snap back, Didn’t work with the grab follow up but we never got around to testing the others since we were playing online. Hope this helps. :)[/LEFT]
Console : 360
Console model : Not arcade and not elite.
Hard drive size : standard.
Game mode glitch occurred in : versus online
Team and assists you used (if you remember) : solo Ms. Fortune
Team and assists opponent used (if you remember) : solo cerebella
Stage being played : innsmouth (night) maybe.
Type of glitch : low priority
Other : I used Ms. Fortune’s snapback on her own head, got killed immediately afterwards from Bella’s toward fierce punch. The head bounced around like it was supposed to and then just floated in the air upwards off the screen.
Console : PS3, the old fat 60gb one that can play ps2 games
Game mode glitch occurred in : vs mode
Type of glitch : Graphics
Team and assists you used (if you remember) : painwheel ( (diamond drop)
Team and assists opponent used (if you remember) : Fortune (fiber upper)/Bella (AA grab)
Stage being played : cathedral
Other :
Painwheel’s J.HK blades disappear.
i’ve seen this happen before but i dont know how to replicate it. only seems to affect jump roundhouse
Just checking if anyone else has had their save data corrupt on the first load after finishing all story modes, xbox360. It’s happened twice to me so far, meaning I can’t save any unlocked costumes. If needed I can get the corrupt save data.
Console : PS3
Console model : Slim
Hard drive size : 120gb iirc
Game mode glitch occurred in : Local Versus
Team and assists you used (if you remember) : Peacock (Boxcar George) / Cerebella (Excellabella)
Team and assists opponent used (if you remember) : Ms. Fortune (One Two Punisher) / Filia (HK Hairball) / Parasoul (Napalm Shot iirc)
Stage being played : Don’t remember, but I want to say the cathedral?
Type of glitch : Gameplay/Sound/Network/UI/Other (like hardware freeze) Gameplay DHC glitch
Other : I used Argus Agony and whiffed because my friend airdashed behind me, he was Fortune. So he’s behind me, and Peacock starts the spray part of AA, when I decide to DHC into Ultimate Showstopper to try and keep Peacock safe. At the exact same time I DHC’d, he started a combo on Peacock with c.LK, but the DHC still happened. Like, it was delayed, and I was clearly already out of Argus Agony, but it still happened. Even though he was starting a combo on Peacock, she just started doing her switch out tap dance and went away while Ultimate Showstopper was going on.
Console: xbox360
Console model: newest standard
HD size: 4gb
Game Mode : online quick play
Team assist : characters not selected yet
team opponent assist : characters not selected yet
stage : not selected
type of glitch: hardware freeze (couldn’t dashboard out of game), happened during loading screen after opponent was found (more specifically the cerebella art was on the loading screen when it happened).
EDIT: This has only happened once, but my xbox is new and I havent had any freezes or problems with it so I figured I’d post it here just in case.
[LEFT]Console : Xbox 360
Console model : one of the newer black ones?
Hard drive size : 250GB
Game mode glitch occurred in : Training mode
Team and assists you used (if you remember) : Parasoul
Team and assists opponent used (if you remember) : cerebella
Stage being played : random
Type of glitch : Gameplay[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Other : Noticed a possible glitch with the ISP detection. I was trying a combo with parasoul, and sometimes the ISP would detect an infinite and sometimes it wouldnt for the same combo. The combo I was doing was: j.hp - - - s.hp - s.hp xx lp napalm shot - - - s.back hk (ground bounce) xx lk egret call - sometimes the triggers an infinite, sometimes it does not.[/LEFT]
Update: So, in less than ten hours my save data has been corrupt twice. The only thing I did the second time was play through arcade mode and waited for the credits to roll, waited to see the ‘new palette unlocked’ and then went to ‘exit game’ in the menu. I came back a few hours later and my save data was corrupt twice. While it isn’t a lot to get all of the stuff back, after this happening three times in less than twenty-four hours I’m pretty fed up. I’m done playing this game until things get fixed.
I’ve uninstalled the game and reinstalled, I’ve deleted/moved my save data and made a fresh one. I even used a different 360 hard drive since I have two. This is ridiculous.
Thanx for acknowledgement @ Mike Z & I have to say: I never thought I’d ever play Double seriously, but damn, she’s got some FKN shennanigans! Might juss build a Team CHEEZ (DOUBLENURSECOCK) for MAT/Otakuthon~
Anyway, onto the bug: 360 slim, 4GB, Online Unranked :: chillin’ hard, playin’ some sets, feel like a change o’ scenery/music, stage select, player 1 (both times were him, in my case) can’t select a stage, it stays on random & the timer counts down to 0 & you’re left completely unable to do anything in-game (abandon ship’ing to dash, worx).
Console : PS3
Console model : CECH-25xxA Slim
Hard drive size : 160
Game mode glitch occurred in : Quick Match
Team and assists you used (if you remember) : Painwheel
Team and assists opponent used (if you remember) : Painwheel
Stage being played : Maplecrest
Type of glitch : Other
On the second round of a match, myself and the enemy Painwheel did a crouching move (it could have been the same move as well, I can’t remember. I did cr.HK) at roughly the same time and the game froze completly. Music still played but the stage, characters and clock were completly still. No button inputs worked and the game couldn’t be paused or quit out of, even if you disconnected. I had to reset the console, which did the three beeping noise thing when you turn off a crashed PS3.
I saw something like this today as well, thankfully not in grand finals of a tournament, but Peacock whiffing a throw the wrong direction against Parasoul in a re-stand situation where Parasoul had dropped the combo and just landed without doing anything caused me to eat a free combo and lose the game.
@everyone - yes, we’re still reading this thread. We think we know why corrupt savedata might be happening, but just in I’m glad to see video of the Painwheel j.HK disappearing, testers found it but couldn’t replicate it so we couldn’t fix it.
For corrupt savedata and the inability to unlock Val/Double stories, we think we have an idea but unfortunately that doesn’t help you all very much right now. :^( Could a few of you tell me if you’re saving to the HDD, or to somewhere else?
Suggestion, try binding LT/RT to blank macros (bind all other buttons, go to macro line, press trigger, press trigger again/move cursor to leave macro blank). The new patch may help with menus, as well.
Attacking the wrong way is a new one on me, any more info? Were they clearly standing in front of you when you hit the button, were they jumping over you or coming down, or what?
[LEFT]Oh, and this was left in intentionally after it was found, but now that it’s been publicly found I can fix it. It’s similar to the same thing in MvC2 so I thought it was neat.[/LEFT]