Skullgirls anyone?

Hey shoryuken, I am wanting to become better at skullgirls. I have a decent handle on the game, but would like to take my knowledge further than where I stand. My steam id is psn_scottienigma if anyone is interested in becoming my rival/teacher. thanks for the time guys, I look forward to meeting anyone willing to help.

The Skull Girls section and Online Outlet section of the forum is where you’ll want to go to learn more about the game, see what you can work on and improve, as well as find other players online to meet up with.

I also recommend the Regional Matchmaking section to find locals living near you that you can meet up with. People are a lot more willing to teach others when they see you making a concerted effort to show up regularly to learn and be involved with the community.

moving to psn matchmkaing