New Super jump confirm i found with skrull!
Sythka, nice stuff. As for tech:
When Skrull throws opponents into the corner, after performing the follow-up meteor smash, on some of them, he can continue the combo with a crouching or standing L attack. This is known. However, for the characters he cannot pick back up, if you are worried about wave/plink dashing in time, you can instead cancel the first hit of meteor smash into Inferno, which places the opponent at a similar height as a tiger-kneed Inferno, meaning you can continue the combo with a crouching M attack, even if you mash the Inferno.
As you can probably guess, this tech has other potential applications as well =)
I’m down to share more if people are game to info trade.
Nice tech! i have to go try this now. And yea i’m always down to share tech, hopefully more people post =D
Hope so, but the Skrull forum of late has been rather dead…
yea its really dead whats ur youtube name or gamertag so i can give u credit for the tech? i just said michael bolton lol
Nice video and thanks for the credit! Just Michael Bolton is fine by the way.
As for participation from the Skrull community, maybe if we continue to reveal cool stuff, they’ll come out of the woodwork. If not, you and I can keep trading stuff. Judging from your execution, it seems you’ve put a decent amount of time into Skrull, as have I, so I’m sure we can keep this going for a bit with just our knowledge.
You went first on the last tech swap, so I’ll go first this time. This is stolen tech actually and full credit should go to Dragoomba. In a tournament a bit back I saw him do a really sick reset. Most of us are familiar with Skrull’s Elastic Slam resets, but this was mid-air. At the end of a combo, after launch, Dragooma transitioned from a single M hit, to a charged S (i.e. Stone Dunk). The Stone Dunk didn’t hit right away of course giving the opponent time to flip out, but, due to Stone Dunk’s circular hitbox and the arc of movement, a cross-up happened, leading to a ground bounce, and thus a full combo. I started using it in my matches right away and it’s pretty darn effective, especially since there are a fair number of variations you can create based on what button you hit with on the way up (L, M, or H) and when you do the hit.
Another piece of stolen tech (I feel I should give two, since they’re not mine) is from Paulow3b, which, again, I saw during a match video. If Skrull is the second or last character and you hit an airborne opponent at regular jump height with and upwards angled elastic punch, you can X-factor cancel into a jumping H, S, grounded L, full combo. If the opponent is low to the ground when you hit, just run forward and hit with H for the easy ground bounce conversion. X-factor level 1 can also work if Skrull is close enough, but if you’re at max range and/or the opponent is at the top of their jump, it’s pretty much a no go. This tech is very situational of course and requires solid hit-confirm skills, but, personally, I like that Skrull can actually get a kill from a single airborne stretch punch hit. Oh, and this tech obviously also works with his forward elastic punch, but for that you just dash forward, standing L or crouching H.
in x-factor 3 flame sweep into fatal buster is an infinite for people who want to play anchor skrull. Also on incoming characters in the corner you can super jump air dash then do BPB sometimes it crosses up, sometimes it hits the same side and if the opponent blocks then push blocks you can get a free air command grab.
Thanks guys, i will be in the lab today with these for sure! Im making team tech vids for some people so i will upload once im done editing these =)
Warchicken, thanks for jumping in! And, Sythka, I like that delayed hit. Nice!
Ok this is something worth testing.** In x-factor lvl 3** Skrull can do two ground bounces, no assist for gb reset. Start with any ground bounch move. Standing H (gb), Sj, a.dash, H, S, meteor smash, L tenderizer (2nd gb), S, H, Inferno. You can do Standing H for the second ground bounce after the MS as well and loop this series 3 times over for a quick 1.2mil. Is this practical? No not really, meteor smash loops get the job done just fine and are easy. But, it can tack on some extra damage if you’ve already put in one gb and want to get a little stylish. A unique property in the game no doubt. Works in both corners and mid screen.
The reason it works is that meteor smash resets the ground bounce in a combo and since you can combo a meteor smash in x-factor you can get extra ground bounces. Nova’s assist also resets ground bounces, however unlike meteor smash it then uses a ground bounce so its pretty much a one for one trade you get an extra ground bounce but then immediately use it
Warchicken is correct, though Nova’s GB move can be linked multiple times, infinitely really, when in X-factor as well. X-factor Skrull is great, as the extra speed compensates for his many weaknesses. If only regular Skrull were viable at a high level…
Thanks for commenting though, Driftingsort. I’m sure there are some Skrull players that didn’t realize Skrull could use X-factor to self-reset the GB.
Thats why its up to us to keep it alive!!! and btw ive seen way more lifeless threads than this (you should see Hsien-Ko and Ghost rider if I had the right equipment I would be posting tech/combos everyday, but I don’t but Im going to have some unorthodox skrull tems posted by next week. Let’s spread the tech so we can see a skrull team win EVO next year!!
Heres a random vid I made.
Just to bring some ideas to the table. Tired of see Vergil. Magneto, Doom in EVERY tournament
That’s right! I did it during a set against Combofiend! Here it is! At 7:40