Im trying to run a team with super skrull and doctor strange. i use skrull on point and use stranges bolts of balthaak to help set up elastic slams or drop ins but im having trouble trying to find a third character. what do you guys think would help aid this team?
The easy answers are in no particular order: Doom, Vergil, Spencer, Dormammu, and Dante. These characters can use bolts well and most of these provide a good assist for Super Skrull, except for Dormammu but he has amazing DHC synergy with Skrull and Strange.
While I agree with the above, I’d suggest Skrull, Strange, and Strider, in that order (like Nemo plays it). Not only does Strider’s Vajra assist let Skrull pick-up after throws or full-screen Rolling Hooks, but Skrull can easily OTG after a mid-air Vajra hit into a full combo. What’s more, Vajra is very useful for teleporting Strange, just like for Vergil, or a keepaway Strange, and then, of course, you have dark Strider. Plus, if your order ever gets switched, Bolts can be a great help to teleporting Strider. The only downside to the team is that once Skrull is dead, DHCing from Strange into Strider won’t work well, but you can easily create teleport mix-up shenanigans or just pop X-factor.
Hope that helps!
Is the any video of Nemo playing that team?