Sj.fp causing FS

randomly when I fight using cable. probably against a runaway storm. i’ll straight up sj.fp from across the screen and hit someone and get flying screen.

I was not aware that sj.fp caused flying screen (at least when not in an instance where it ought to cause flying screen)

does anyone know how this works?

i was wondering the same thing but i have to ask you was that really a six hundred dollar money match on youtube cuz that shit was hype :lol:

Also always wondered this. Whats funny is that if storm is in the air and you super jump after her and hit her with the fp xx ahvb it will only do like 2 or 3 hits and still cause flying screen once in a blue moon. I’ve probably only seen it like 1 out of 200 times or so but I would like to know why it happens.

^-- yeah, I know I have a video of at least Rattana doing this somewhere. Breathtakingly weird.

I always thought the flying screen occurred if they hit a heavy button (HP/HK) “close” in timing to the sj.fp…? That’s been my theory. =\

thats a possibility, we would have to see it more on camera to figure it out but problem is we rarely get to see it.

Sometimes when you beat out someone’s sj.FP/FK, with your own it will cause fly screen.

In this case Cable’s sj.FP must have hit storm’s whiffing sj.FP.

The technical “why” has never been explained, but this is the only times this will occur.

So yeah, basically what Preppy said:sweat:

It mainly has to do with the properties that character attains when either switched out or snapped out in a combo. If you get the same char comming back in for a second time its more likely to happen.

^ oh yeah it does happen when you just tagged in.

short answer:

with anyone do this:

jump, attack twice, land (hit counter is now at 2) and launch (hit counter now at 3) --> tag out immediately after the launch.

tag back in (the tag must whiff or be blocked!)

sj with both characters and have the tagged in character do hp/hk
