I looked around in the FAQ and didn’t see anything about the size differences of Sanwa and Happ parts and since I wanna switch my Happ parts for Sanwa - both buttons and stick - I wanna know if I’d need to modify my stick box to fit in the new buttons/stick.
Here’s a pic of what the buttons and stick look like
Anyways, I was thinking of going out and getting some new buttons and a stick, most likely Sanwa and I’ll do all the soldering, too. It’s just that Sanwa has either those 24 or 30 (size, I’m guessing?) and I really don’t know what “size” Happ buttons are. Also, the stick itself needs to be replaced, just cuz I seriously get a cramp while playing with it lol.
Basically what I’m asking is, will an OBSF24 or OBSF30 fit in my current Happ/P360 setup?
Any help is greatly appreciated - thank you.:china:
Hmm, there are a few things to consider when going from Happ to Sanwa parts:
-Thickness of top plate: Happ parts can be mounted on thicker top panels (ive used 5/8" and 1/2" top plates on some of my builds). Japanese parts need to be mounted on thinner top plates. Assuming you have a thick wooden top plate, you would need to route out some of the top plate from underneath to get the correct thickness. Someone want to chime in on what the correct thickness is for a top plate on a JLF? Also, the threaded Sanwa push buttons only have so much engagement, so you would need to route out underneath the buttons as well.
As far as hole size goes, Happ push button holes are drilled 1 1/8" or 1.125". Sanwa push buttons are 30mm or 1.181" so they may need to be opened up a bit to get the correct fit. A 30mm drill would be ideal, but a 1 11/64" or 1 3/16" will get you close.
I actually bought this stick about a few days ago and I don’t know who the original owner is so I don’t have the original artwork file.
So basically I’d have to chip out some of the inside to get new buttons in?
I was also thinking of just getting new buttons and just forget about the stick since that might be too much work due to the size of the case - would there be much work to do if I just did that?
I’ve seen pics of people just replacing the buttons and the only part I find difficult is widening the holes - I read you just sand it out?
As for the actual buttons, I’m guessing they just take out the quick disconnects on the Happ parts and put em on the Sanwa parts, right?
Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind
Although I do agree it is a great stick aesthetically - but looks won’t get me anywhere in playing, especially if my fingers start to cramp up after an hour or two of playing. Seriously, I guess I got used to Japanese buttons cuz Happ parts just make my wrists hurt lol
For scale purposes assume that the top portion (what is visible for the user is about the same size). Now look at the threaded stem, the Happ part has 2-3 times more thread and can therefore be used on deep top plates where a Sanwa can not.
Edit: looks like sanwa has .67" of thread where happ has 1.4" of thread. I imagine the sanwa doesnt install too nicely into anything over 0.25"
Toggleme - Thanks for the answer and info.
How would I go about fixing that size difference? Are there fasteners for Sanwa? Like things that fasten the thread more tightly?