Sir Arthur is Ready to do Combos!

Shots fired etc etc. Rikir, is the normal armor axe relaunch a consistent thing? My timing might be off, but i can’t land it too often.

Yeah the timing is something you just sorta gotta learn. Theres a bit of delaying between hits going on.

After the S its sorta like:

(Wait until around peak of jump) M (fall a little) MH -> Immediately cancel into Axe

I suggest you go into the corner and just learn the timing from a straight pursuit upwards.

P.S: Yeah I added the damages after he asked lol.

some nice stuff there Rikir. I’ve found that you can add an axe throw after a ground fire bottle to ensure some good damage with your gb hyper.

Actually a friend of mine came up with a combo that ended with that. I dont know how I never thought of it. Youll be seeing a combo video from him sometime in the near future wink wink

I started to mess around with missiles in the corner and got some silly combos. On big characters IIRC after a couple of hellbound slash reps you can launch into HS call doom then bottle. Some rising missiles will keep the opponent in hitstun so you can hellslash into hard knockdown, the remaining missiles will otg and allow you to hell slash again into bottle xx whatev. I also saw that if you call doom before a full air combo you can jump back scythe while the missiles otg and set something up off that, but I didn’t mess with it much.

This is a simple and more reliable corner extension.

I’ve been trying something similar with Thor, can’t quite get 700k though. The hellbound slash doesn’t connect after mighty smash


I’m trying to see the max amount of damage Arthur can do solo with no XF and only 1-2 bars.

One thing I’m noticing in these videos is a surprising lack of goddess bracelet loops. Did they take it out of Ultimate :sad:

The loop wasn’t removed (maybe made harder?), it’s just that in combo videos it would be kinda redundant to try and connect more than one goddess’ bracelet because the point is to showcase the part before the hyper. I’ll also mess around with two bars to see how much dmg I can do.

Thanks Crono. I feel like people aren’t focusing enough on the raw (meaning NO DHC, NO LVL 3, and NO FUCKING XF) damage the characters can do solo.

I’ll be waiting…



So heres two combos I came up with.

What’s the timing on the regular axe relaunch on mid screen and corner? I seems to be struggling with those the most. I can do the golden axes relaunches just fine, but not with non armored ones.

I get it consistently when I do the air series quickly then delay the axe.

Are you jump cancelling? Can he do that?

Jump canceling what? he isn’t even hitting anything on the ground…

He’s most likely canceling j.S recovery into daggers (which won’t come out because Arthur will hit the ground before the startup for it finishes) while still in the air after j.S hits during that loop.
If you do this you can jump right away, not sure if it’s needed for this combo to work, but probably is.

No jump cancels, its just a jump loop with j.MMS xx 236L

Oh wow! If i can find some footage of me playing my team I will upload it here to show you guys my Arthur. I didn’t know he could do that. I can usually imitate what I see but that confused me so thank you.

my second team is Chun Li(Hyakuretsu kyaku), Iron Man (Unibeam), Arthur(Daggers). Arthur is such a huge asset.

im seeing a lot of amazing combos that look so flashy and they do great damage, i did a few combos myself but compared to Rikir, these are pretty basic and by now im sure you all know the tricks behind these combos, either way i would like to share my video hope you all enjoy :3


I tried that loop but the dagger comes out. It still works though

Hey guys, I decided to make an Arthur air grab combo video since I never seen anyone talk about his air grabs, let alone solo air grabs stuffs.


So… heres this: lolol
