Singapore CVS2 Tournament Vids

sorry…yesterday I did not see all the matches and I dont know why :wasted:

today I saw the rest. cool stuff and espacially the K-todo impressed me.

when I was in Hong Kong I did not go to Macau because I did not have enough time. I had to go back to china. this year I wont go to singapur but perhaps next year but my main goal at the moment is Tokyo :wink: and I hope that I can make it to the the next SBO.

k-todo? was that rokiseph?

Haha… that’s the best funny Todo i ever seen.

To Japan?? If u can not get ALL WIN in HK, then think twice before going there.
Singapore #1 get over 60wins straight in HK, but he play hard in Japan too… :wasted:

Ya, rokiseph = roland.

i didn’t know there was a CvS2 scene in Macau. I was there for a day back in May…ah well.

That’s why I think we lack a thread / forum which can gathering all cvs2 players information around the world.

If we have these info, then we can have some good matches with those local top players whenever we travel to other country.

I am lucky to have some contacts with Singapore & HK players in others Forum.
That’s why i got the chance to play with them when i was there.

But, i got no ideas for other countries… even the one beside me… (Thailand) :wasted:

don’t HK players usually play on speed 5 or something…or so i’ve heard.

Yes. most of them in speed 5, but current got speed 3 in ???2… (if i not wrong…)

Yeah you guys should definitely lower the damage setting and get the speed to some sort of recognizable standard. SRK has a World forum, so maybe that will be of use to you guys. Right now it’s just a bunch of Canadian threads but you guys could fix that if you really wanted to. I hope the scene over there in Singapore is still going strong!

I will be in Taiwan in a few weeks and maybe I’ll make a couple of visa runs to Singapore or HK? Anyway maybe we’ll play in the future. How come Rokiseph doesn’t post anymore? He had some good Todo theory.

World forum??Can u specify the link?? I could not find it… :sweat:

Oh, if u going to Singapore, please let me know the actual date.
I will inform them and try to join the fun there. :rofl:

Im sure that I wont have any chance in japan but they play with default settings like we here in germany and I also want to know how high my lvl is.

the speed was my main problem in HK and also the start button…the start button is on a position where I hitted it nearly everytime when I made a electricity RC. here in germany and france we dont have any arcades with CVS2 so we must play on PS2 with arcade sticks. thats a big difference.

but surely there were players that were better than me and I learned a lot from them. I improved my skills and I will surely return to face them again and the next time I will make a trip to Macau and perhaps to singapor too if I have enough time and money :wgrin:

Haha… i face the same problems too. speed 3 to speed 5 is too big different…
and the funny start button… always hit it accidentally:rofl: :lol: …

I like to travel every way to challenge others, just the financial problem… :sweat:

US/Japan is Speed 3
Singapore is Speed 4
HK is Speed 5

On a side note, I’ve been seeing new people at the local arcade (Bugis). I dunno if they are new or old but there are people I’ve never seen before suddenly frequents the arcade.

Great tournament though, and I have to fight one of the people who knows what dumb shit I always fall for =(

KL - Speed 3

It is good to have new challengers in local arcade.

Leo, hope to see you this weekend - Saturday.