
i’m not making demands of the guy. Just be nice to hear what he has to say.

and about sinestro and what made the playtesters satisfied with his design (or NRS not listen to any complaints).

much as i want to like him, i just don’t think he has what it takes. no wakeup move at all.

That video is agianst the AI dummy. Was it set to autoblock?

That video must have been pre nerf. when he lands the b13 Hal is knocked much higher into the air and he catches him with the b3 on the way down.

Now when I try (ahem) I can get the b3 to follow but you cannot do it quick enough to catch him before he hits the floor.

Ummm… that’s not pre-nerf. I’m doing this combo in training mode as of yesterday.

Again, it’s a really weird timing, but you can do it. In fact, as of right now this is my new BnB, although I’m still working on getting 100% consistency:

B1-3>B3>j. 2>2-2>Shackles>B2-1-3 for 30%
Someone gave me ideas for a few moves I could add to up the damage so going to be optimizing it tonight or tomorrow.

And yes, this does all combo, against auto-block and the combo counter goes up; it’s just strict timing. You can’t just mash B3 and have it work.

I wish sinestro had a teleport lol

Sinestro is awesome and his tactics go beyond simple zoning. I pretty much agree with Fromundaman’s comments. His close-range is subpar but you have block escape to get to mid which is where he really shines IMHO. The fact that you can zone them hard while they try to get smart is just gravy (by trying to zone you for example).

I use rocks to bait them into dashing forward then b.1-3>j.2>1-1>shackles>b.3, etc…

Also have been experimenting with b.1-3>b.1-2>A.Sting or F. Blast-MB (if I remember correctly). I use F.Blast pretty often at mid or to end juggle combos. b.1-3>b1.2 is quickly becoming my BnB and you can easily transition to b.1-3>1-3>j.2, etc…

A.Sting is also highly underrated and I see that most people don’t bother using it all that much. Overhead b.2-3>A.Sting works well on the wake up game and resets distance. I have also been experimenting with A.Sting after getting knocked down but I find F.Blast better just to kinda cut them off from potential standing combos. But again, close combat is not Sinestro strong suit so this is still a bit iffy. Dash backwards and block escape are your friends. s.2-2>A.Sting is also a simple and effective way to resetting distance.

Note regarding resetting distance. Since most of our BnBs are at mid-range, I think it’s important to dash forward back to midrange after resetting distance. I know a lot of people think of Sinestro as a pure zoning character but I honestly think that doing so is a mistake. His zoning, while clearly one of the best in the game, does have it’s weak points and an average player, especially as the game is played more, can and will take advantage of this (as shown in the Flash video in this thread). We simply have so many more tools at midrange and this is where our game should be played. Besides, this makes rock a little more unpredictable.

Also, not sure if this was mentioned but f.2-d.3>shackles does link but timing is strict. I started exploring it last night so we’ll see if this leads into anything.

A simple but effective (damaging) combo that should be used more often: .s.3>F.Blast-MB. DO NOT underestimate F.Blast. It can easily be snuck into so many combo strings and MB that bitch whenever you can to get those extra points of damage.

Regarding Deathstroke, he’s a chump. I often get people who will select him after they see I’ve chosen Sinestro, expecting me to zone them all game long. I rush them down hard and all you really need to look out for is his string that starts low. At least this has been my experience with most players.

The only thing I really haven’t explored is his trait. Since I play midrange and I absolutely need to avoid getting into pure close combat, I rarely have the time to charge the darned thing. I also think that, while it is a good ability, it’s cost is way too high in terms of giving up on controlling range which, again, for me, is paramount to playing Sinestro competitively.

EDIT: d.2(not 3)-A.Sting also works well. d.2 is a powerful tool. Use it. Love it.

It seems there are quite a few different viable ways to play Sinestro. Reading your comments and watching Arturo play him made me realize my style is quite different from both of yours, although also somewhat similar.

I’ve been messing with A. Sting more recently since it’s our only wake-up option with invincibility and can be MBed on block to get an unblockable that sets them back full screen.

Also there are some really useful combos in here:

They also found a 70% swag combo using all of our trait and super in the corner. Not particularly practical, but it is cool to pull on someone XD
And… I can’t find the video anymore, but it used the j3>3>4>3>4>3>4>3>super.

Thanks for link. Will read through thread carefully. How do you play him exactly?

Well, I pretty much ONLY use meter on the fear bullets to punish pretty much anything and everything, I try to keep them full range and condition them to expect rocks so that they won’t jump, or try to dash, then shackles and charge trait. I also EX rocks when I can into shackles to charge trait. I charge trait randomly since it cancels into block to bait unsafe moves then punish them (Do it to a superman from fullscreen. They ALL super, then hit combos on block).

I don’t like using meter in combos because while it’s doable, it doesn’t really do much more damage than our no-meter combos (Unless you’re going for style points with the 3 hits of trait and super 72% corner combo).

I also abuse the shit out of d1. It’s one of our fastest close range moves, has decent range and doesn’t whiff. Better yet, it can combo into shackles or you can use it as a mixup into a grab. Sometimes I’ll even do 2-3x d1, then wait a few seconds, d2 when they go to do something since I stopped attacking, then if it hits charge trait to bait a punish for full combo back to full screen distance.

d2 is also amazing and seems safe on block.

I do rely too much on B1-3 though atm, and I need to break my dependence on it.

In some matchups I also use a LOT of axe of terror, especially against people with slides.

Sinestro seems to me to be all about mindgames, and unlike many characters, he has the tools to mindgame you anywhere on the screen. He essentially just plays a constant game of footsies with you and a single mistake puts you back at the starting point: full screen away (Unless he wants to keep you close, in which case you can end the combos differently. Shackles into throw can be pretty nasty way to end a combo for resets, especially if it puts them in the corner where j3 and Axe of terror pressure is just disgusting.).

I also use F2>D1 to zone at mid range when I can, but it’s mostly to make the opponent afraid and start blocking low.

I’m still working on combos out of D2. I have a few ideas but I need to work with them more. It’s such a great way to start combos.

Oh also B2 is your best anti-air when people are jumping over you for ambiguous cross ups/in d2’s blindspot.

But yeah, I use his trait a lot. Hell, I almost like charging the trait as a bait more than the actual trait, as awesome as it is. I almost feel like when I have it out I don’t know what to do with it XD
I get it roughly 2-3 times a match now though, and considering how awesome it is, that’s really good. I may start going for the j3 loops with it considering I get it so often.