
Really your complaining about his combo timing?
Oh no it’s to strict to do shackles into rock. Not good cries in dark corner and slits wrists
Dude I play as Kazuya in SfxT. I can do ewgf combos consistently. Your being weak.

So b1 is to slow for you. The move is a whiff punish. Sinestro has other combo able chains. Do yourself a favor and try something else. I even gave an example of a faster starting chain that combos to shackles. No it isn’t a link either.

More about his overhead. Nope I’m not talking about f3. I’m talking about b2. B2, d1, shackles… You guys need to do some research.

Ghost Whistler do yourself a favor and go practice instead of complaining about how hard it is to do sinestro combos which aren’t hard at all. As a matter of fact injustice is one of the easiest fighting game I have ever played.

Your complaints aren’t about sinestro. They are about your skill covered by the nerf given to sinestro. In the real world I would have 2 words for you. The first one starts with P the second starts with B.


I never said anything about shackles into rock.

when the moves are inconsistent in play how can one ‘research’?

We find out the frame data ingame is wrong, and we see moves come out without consistency. The game doesn’t tell you what moves are meant to be cancelled into shackles. How can I research something that isn’t clear?

I don’t need your attitude. I need clarity.

b2 b2 d1 isn’t a combo.

noone mentioned f3.

Really? I mean I’m not a huge tech skill guy, but I found inputs to be harder than some of the other ones I’ve played (Soul Calibur series, UMVC3, PSAS, Smash Series), although admittedly I never really got into some of (What I’ve heard are) the harder execution fighters like KoF or Tekken.

And yeah, B2 is amazing. I honestly forget Sinestro even has a F3; it doesn’t feel useful, especially considering B2 is really good. Easy to combo no meter with trait or using a Wallbounce cancel.
Wait, B2>1>shackles works? Nice! I need to mess with that.

Out of curiosity, how often do you land the 111 chain? I can’t ever seem to pull it off thanks to the 1st hit’s low range and have found myself using d1, B2, F2>D1, standing H and d2 more often to get people off of me.

They’re consistent, they’re just weird timings. However all of those can be done consistently.

I think you misread it. One sentence was “I’m talking about B2.” followed by a combo b2>d1>shackles.

On a side note, has anyone found a good use for spider uppercut? It feels like I always have something better than I could use instead of this move.

I get 1,1,1 xx shackles all the time it’s easy. It whiffs on crouching opponents but that’s what b2 is for. My bnb uses 1,1,1:

1,1,1 xx shackles, b3, j.2, j.qcb1, b1,2 xx qcf1 MB

Also I pretty much never use spider uppercut. As an AA d2 is way better since you can continue the combo afterwards. D2 isn’t such a bad poke either for an NRS game. Good range and hitbox.

Hmmm… I’ll have to try to work 111 in more then.

And yeah, I agree, D2 is really good.

Glad to see I’m not the only one to think Spider Uppercut is useless then.

Shackles is just a pain in the ass to combo into in most cases. You are meanto be able to cancel from 4 (straight trait shot) as well, but that’s another link. Honestly, just have it as a cancel or not at all. Links are just stupid: I personally dont’ want to compete with finger yoga to play. The gameplay should be about the two players out thinking and out manoeuvring each other; the inputs shouldn’t get in the way of that.

Yes, 1 has a really short range which makes it very hard to connect.

I find f2 and inputs like that hard to land because it feels like having to input a direction as well as an attack makes the whole thing slower. Going into D1 makes it slower still. I can never land that stuff.

I think you misread it. One sentence was “I’m talking about B2.” followed by a combo b2>d1>shackles.

Is the range on b2 any better than 1?

It’s easier to cancel into than shackles! And it pushes them across the entire ring on MB.

why not cancel into a second shackles?

Second shackles causes an untechable knockdown, which is nice, but it sacrifices a lot of damage by using that instead of extending the combo.

Honestly, I don’t dislike the stricter inputs, it’s just a different kind of game. However, the demo had already shown that stuff was going to be like this (All of Lex’s combos for examples did and still do use links), and Capcom games have always used links, even Marvel to a certain extent. Links, cancels and a mix of both aren’t a bad thing, they’re just different systems one has to get used to.
Execution has always been a factor in every fighting game. Even in Smash games, stuff like Wavedashing and fast falling were important and execution makes a difference. Even other competitive genres like RTS’s, MOBA’s and FPS’s heavily depend on execution, albeit a different type. The only competitive genre I can think of which don’t have an execution barrier of some kind would be turn based games like Pokemon, and to be honest those tournaments aren’t exactly thrilling to watch.

Honestly, after an hour or so in training mode chaining shackles stopped being an issue for me. I pretty much only drop it online sometimes, but I’ve even been able to combo it off of stuff I haven’t practiced on the fly, like AA stuff, by now. I mean, I still drop a lot of stuff, but my shackle combos, the ones I use regularly anyways, have gotten pretty solid in the short time I’ve had this game, and I’m not even great at tech skill stuff (For example, I can’t do Dr. Strange’s Flames loops in UMVC3, or even play Dante in PSAS).

B2 does have a slightly better hitbox and hits crouchers, but most importantly it’s an overhead that can be made safe on block.

I drop it online because i’m sat waiting for a match and tensing up so much that when i play i spaz out.

ugh i am getting really frustrated with this now.

I’ve been looking forward to this game since it was first announced and I really like it (if i didn’t it wouldn’ tbe an issue, i’d jsut sell it on). But by god I can’t get anywhere online. Even without obvious input delay. The online is miles better than MK, despite a means to filter long distance connections.

But I cannot get anywhere; the few matches I have won have been pure cheese zoning. Yes I know that’s the point of Sinestro, but noone wants to sit in the corner and spam fireballs. That’s not playing the game, that’s the game playing you.

Up close I just get clobbered. The nature of the block system in this means that he constantly pushes himself out of range of his normals/combos. Even b2 gets stuffed. I don’t know what to do or how to create an opening and consequently can’t combo into shackles.

Offline I can play much better, though the practice mode AI is very good at reading inputs and reacting to whatever you do so it becomes hard to learn to use combos.

Some of these people online are already demons at the game and it frustrates me. not because I care about leaderboards or even winning, but because I want to be able to play!

Not gonna lie, Sinestro is a cheese zoner who uses combos to put them back full screen, so yeah, your matches should include a lot of zoning.

Are you:

-Using B1-3 as a whiff punisher?
-Using your grab?
-Using your low attacks (D1 and F2>D1)?
-Using MB B3 to SA through attacks?
-Using Standing H to create some breathing space?
-Using trait to cover your wakeups when you have it?
-Using D2 as an anti-air?

Incidentally, according to Tom Brady, whom i am given to believe is an expert in the design, there are no links in this game.

I try.


More than is probably healthy: i find myself doing d3 when i want to do 3.

F2-d1, which can cancel into shackle, is just awkward. I can do it, but again I find the weird controller inertia with direction inputs.

no, though i know he can do this, and charge the move as well.


I just dont’ get the chance to charge trait.


Also, according to Tom Brady, there are no links in this game. So there must be something wonky with the cancels.

I’m trying out Sinestro, and my experiences with him have been nothing short of weird. I’m having a hard time learning when I can use shackles, and for a zoning character he is exceptionally sub-par at zoning. His combos also feel weird. Just…everything about this character just feels weird. I’ll probably have to put him on the backburner until I understand this game in general a little more.

If Tom Brady is to be believed then something went wrong in the coding because the shackles aren’t consistent. You should be able to cancel into them from b12 and b13. There are other ways to cancel into them, but they require you to get into your opponent’s face, so yes he is extremely weird.

I understand completely why someone would think he is subpar at zoning. There are a lot of very quick characters in this game with whom it is easy to get in quickly under the rock which is another inconsistent move given what i’ve said about MBing it.

I would love to hear what the devs have to say about Sinestro.

Hmmm… maybe I’m misusing the term? I could have sworn that some of both Sinestro’s and Hawkgirl’s combos used links, although maybe chains would be a better word for it? In any case some of the combos into shackles aren’t cancels, and Hawkgirl has some things that aren’t really cancels either (Although she also has flight cancels for days!).

You should probably mix your grab into your gameplay. It’s another good way to make space. Plus it looks awesome.

Honestly I stopped doing F2>D1 into shackles and now either do it alone on block, since it’s safe, or add a heavy on hit to make space. Canceling it into shackles requires you to put in the input before actually seeing if it hit, and Shackles is way too unsafe on block for that to really help.

I also suggest everyone charge trait often; almost every chance you get. Canceling the charge is near instant (Superman can’t punish you for charging with super from more than 1/3 screen away! That’s how fast it stops!), and it can cause your opponent to try to punish something that is actually really safe. You don’t even need to charge a lot at once; sometimes I’ll even just dash back and tap the button once as a bait then punish. I charge it about one bar’s worth after combos. You can also do it off of full screen shackles, or EX rock into either shackles and bullets, then charge.
There are matchups where you don’t want to charge it, like Deathstroke, but for the most part I try to always charge it now and recently have been getting it 1-3 times per game. Our trait is godlike too, so it’s well worth the half second charges thrown in at random throughout the match.

the trait is useful, but i’m still not sure a) how and b) what i’m specifically meant to do with it.

I think he’s wrong about links. If you cancel into shackles (from some moves) it either doesn’t come out (which means too early) or it fizzles (too late). If that isn’t the definition of a link then either he doesn’t know what links are or doesn’t understand the system here. I simply cannot see any other explanation that isn’t me completely misunderstanding how shackles are meant to be cancelled, or the game has a problem.

B1-3>B3 seems to be a link too, and a damn strict one. Maybe he meant most combos use the cancel system? Or maybe he simply didn’t play any of the characters that use links? (He’s one of the many testers and a pro player, but not a developer to my knowledge.)

I don’t know what he meant. I asked on that same thread, but no one has responded. I have no idea how you could combo from b13 into b3 given the startup of b3.

To be perfectly fair, he hasn’t replied to anyone since your last message, so he probably just hasn’t gotten back online.

As for the b13 into b3, it’s a strict timing but it is doable. You can see it in this video at 1:15:

The way I’m doing it (Not consistent with it yet but at about 50% with 20 min of practice and frustration) is to press B3 as soon as I hear the sound effect of the axe shattering start.