A while back Nolan posted in the Negro thread saying that I should post something epic one of these days. Well, I don’t know if this is going to be epic enough to satisfy but I will do my best. This thread is intended to be as inclusive as possible so if you feel like making a post similiar to mine or saying something random or posting SNDN2 clips or telling me I’m retarded it’s all good. Anyways, here we go.
Since I joined SRK…
Nearly 9 years have passed, a fact that is as stunning as it is depressing, in a way.
There have been three different presidents in office (Clinton, Bush, and Obama for people who haven’t lived in this country for twenty years)
CvS1, CvS2, T4, T5 (and all of it’s bonus versions), SC II, SC III, SC IV, VF4, VF5, GG, GGX (and all of it’s offspring), Garou, Misc KOF’s (don’t know enough/remember enough/care enough abuot SNK to be more accurate enough), probably a Samurai Showdown or four, SFIV, Blazblue, technically T6 I guess, and prob ten million fighting games I am forgetting have been released.
EDIT: 9/11 happened, which needs no explanation. I bring it up mainly because the day it happened Cody, me and John May stayed up all night playing the pirated CvS2 Cody had just got and we were in the training room at like 8-9 in the morning (without having slept) and he was trying to parry Patriot Circle and I was just defending Kyo’s “oh shit I’m on fire” super and my dad called and said “Uh, yeah, you prob should watch the news cause there’s some shit goin down”. You’re glad I included this story
I’ve played against maybe the greatest ST player who has ever lived. Mandel would set up money matches for this guy. Once I was playing Guile and he was Ken and he hit me with ultra deep cross up j fw, cancel into air hurricane kick and then link the sweep. Then he hit me with something else and I was dizzy and he did j rh, standing fierce, fierce shoryuken to kill me. His name was Computer in the Cabinet at Lanwerx
I’ve ran a few dozen (if not more) arcade tournaments, from the Marvel and CvS 2 tourneys at SC to Quarters to Lanwerx. I remember driving to Rat’s house at like 9:30-10 in the morning on a Saturday so we could go to Kinko’s and print out the big ass brackets before tourneys and whatnot. Then we’d get to SC and I’d start yelling at people and the arcade would be ridiculously full and I would hear the words “How long till I play?” 28342083402834 times a day.
I’ve beaten Jason Mar, Jason Kuan and Rowtron in Marvel tournaments. Still have never and likely will never beat Rat. All three at SC iirc. That should be an indication of why I was victorious. Perhaps.
I’ve lived in 5 different places. Renton, Sunnyvale CA, West Seattle (for like two weeks), Redmond and now Bellevue.
I’ve been in the hospital shit, what, 20+ times if you count random nights in the ER. Had 5 surgeries. Broke my record in June by spending 21 days in the hospital. 5 days aint’ shit no mo! P.S. I also had no solid food during that duration and my weight got down to 138.5. I’m 6 feet tall. Sexy, no?
B4, B5, Evo2k2-2k9 have occurred. I went to B5, Evo2k2, Evo2k3. I was in Vegas for 2k9, even stopped by the Evo room and watched the 5v5, but I don’t know if it qualifies as “going to Evo” since I didnt’ enter any games. B5 took place in the Folsom Game Room which was basically an above-average-sized arcade. 2k9 took place in a ballroom thing in a Vegas hotel. Evolution, indeed. I beat Soo at B5 if you can believe that. I was on the Evo2k2 dvd playing Nun, using Sent/Cable/Son son. The team illicits no surprise if know me. I was one or two matches away from qualifying in Marvel in 2k3 playing BH/Magneto/Tron. My fighting game career is illustrious.
I’ve seen Seattle Marvel do what no other scene prior to or since has been capable of doing. In any game that’s popular to any degree, especially the main game of the time, it’s common knowledge that the best people come from EC/NYC, Cali and Japan. There’s nothing mysterious about this. It’s simply a question of population. More people = more varied competition = more incentive to get better = more intense competition = etc. When your scene consists of maybe 10-15 regulars and that many randoms it is difficult to compete on the same level as a scene that can draw 100 man tournaments monthly. When Rat, Cody, Thong, me, Jackson and Brian went to Cali the first time (technically Jackson and Brian went to B4 iirc but I digress) we had no idea what to expect. At that point it didn’t seem like someone could be better than Rat. Concept could not process. Long story short, Duc was. Valle probably too though I think Rat had a serious chance to beat him in that tournament if given the opportunity. Anyways, it was like a 150+ tourney (iirc) at SHGL (which no longer exists) and Rat came in third, which was a pretty big deal when you consider at that time Duc was technically the world’s best and he was the only person who beat Rat in the tournament. Sidenote: First time I met Shady I was playing CvS on NGPC and he said what’s up and I barely looked at him and said oh hey then went back to playing. Lesson? I’m an asshole. So anyways, that trip was part of the catalyst for the scene to really become cohesive enough to make a strong showing at B5. There was an earlier one (Jackson winning the Gameworks tournament the previous August) but after the trip to Cali people seemed to get together more often to play at my place or Cody’s ( I think Cody had his own place by then) and we go to B5 and I think the NW had like 10+ qualify out of like 50-60 spots, which was a big deal since no one even thought we had a scene minus Rat. We beat good people, though this post is getting crazy long so I won’t go into that. Anyways, B5 Rat and Row both placed well, both top 10 or close to it iirc. My memory starts to get sketchy here because I know the Scodolfy madness began after B5 but I can’t remmeber if Cody, Row, Thong and Scott went to ECC before Evo2k2 or after. I’m thinking Row’s hype might’ve started after he won an SHGL tourney but I can’t remmeber. This is getting supa long. Long story long, there was a somewhat unique set of circumstances that facilitated us getting this good at Marvel (infinite, free, open invite to Cody’s house. A still-active arcade) but travel was definitely a big part of it. This is only a small part of a story most of you know anyways, but if you think abuot it is something worth marvelling (sorry) at. It’s not like we were an ok scene with a world’s best player, we had world’s best players. My position is probably unique since I’ve seen so many games come and go and have seen everything be Cali/NYc/Japan. Everything except Marvel. And I’m probably also speaking from a place of pride since, in my own small retarded way, I contributed to it. Anyays, yeah, you’ve been sick of hearin me babble about Marvel so.
I’ve driven to Cali four times (just for gaming), Folsom once and LA three times. After B5, Evo2k2 and 2k3 I drove the entire way back without stopping. 19 hours of puttin in work. It’s the most notable achievement of my fighting game career.
Okie dokie. I’ve written more than anyone probably wanted to read. I could write mmore, always more to write, but I’m gonna cut myself off in the interest of doing something besides writing this post today. And typing the word “write”. Maybe I’ll add more later. 9 years is a long fucking time. Soooooooo