Silent Kill follow up combo?

Hey, im lookin to use X-23, but I was wondering do anyone know of any combo to follow up her silent kill with? One of my friends told me it was possible to follow up with it.

It’s def. possible to follow-up.

The normal follow up is charged ankle slicer + assist into whatever combo you want. (or otg assist + charged Neck slicer > combo) Works consistently as long as you’re near a corner since it will keep you from getting pushed out of range.

If they’re standing on the ground in the corner when you hit them, you can combo a s.M cr.M s.H into full combo without an assist.

Midscreen on the ground if you time it right, you can hit a dash charged AS. It takes specific assists to let you combo off that. (Log trap works for sure. I think Weskers OTG has enough range to work with the right spacing.)

There are also a few characters with wierd hurtboxes that let X23 combo without an assist, but I’m not sure if it’s something you’d want to rely on in matches since it’s a really tight link and character specific.

in XF2 my go to combo is OTG with ankle slice, dp+L xx qcf+L, dp+L xx qcf+L, s.M s.H s.S then just as many air attacks as you want into dp+H xx qcf+L then run the usual loop