Hey guys SV here,
I’m doing special requests for the event of EVO 2012. If you want custom mvc3 or ssf4 stuff, leave a note.
PLEASE NOTE: This is only for a limited time (Expires June 25th, 2012 or until the end of EVO2012.)
This is how it works:
Step.1.Send a PM to me, title it “REQUEST” and list exactly what you want and where you want it to be shipped.
Step.2.Send payment via paypal to stamayosuke@aol.com. (That’s all)
Link: http://stamayosuke.deviantart.com/gallery/35211815
Print Sizes:
Mini Stickers - (Small enough to be placed on your arcade stick or your xbox/ps3 controller) $1
(My arcade stick was in the shop so I used my ps3 controller as an example)
Small Badges – 1” x 2” = $1
Large Prints – 8” x 11” = $10
T-shirts sizes:
(S, M, L,)
T-shirts - $20 (1 character)
MarvelTeam Tees - $25
(Tag names on the back additional $5)
SHIPPING CHARGES - $7-10 (U.S. only)
Happy ordering ^.^