guess thats it lol.
guess thats it lol.
Cool opinion brah.
If Sirlin could do it again without worrying about size restrictions (funny how MS went from 50MB to 2GB size limitations) I bet one of the things he would’ve put in was a ton of different stage soundtracks. AE had a few different mixes if I remember right.
Nah, it’s better that he used new tracks. It’s a new game after all. Most of them are good enough in all variants of SF2 for me.
I never even notice the BG music while I’m playing. I never really understood people’s obsession with the music in fighting games. It’s a fighting game, not an RPG.
Now sound effects, that’s different. The only thing I didn’t like from the change from CPS1 to CPS2 is the sound effects. The “impact” sounds of WW through HF just had a lot more meat to them, sounded like someone really getting clocked. The effects in SSF2 and ST sound a lot wimpier by comparison.
No one was saying not keep the new tracks in. Just some more choices (rearraged, WW/CE/HF, various port exclusives like the 3DO, AE, etc).
back when I first played the 3do port they had a headphone jack in the controller (similar to what the xbox did aka stole from the 3do), in combination with that and the weaker sound effects in ST really made the BGM hard to ignore. One of the ones that I liked the most was blanks which I linked above.
SFEX also had a good BGM as well. Had some good players requesting to turn out the TV so we can appreciate the music (Jeron for example).
yep: CPS1, CPS2, and… 3DO (I think)
i know a lot of people wished they had used the ST PC soundtrack
what I thought was kind of neat was how there were CPS1 versions of songs that weren’t even in the CPS1 games
Beutiful theme. It is faithful to the original and keeps the bass line. My main problem with STHD BGM, Vega theme aside*, is the complete disrespect to the low frequencies and drum lines.
*They should have used a classic guitar or flamenco player for it.
However, I love that they used Ken’s theme as the background music in the menus. It is by far the best them in SF and I love every iteration of it (even the horrible SF4 versions)
Ken’s? You know you are suspicious when it comes to Ken.
Edit: OMFG! Vega’s theme from 3DO is amazing! I never knew about it! It could be just a little bit more frantic, but it is good enough! The Gief one disappointed me, though: it was all about that bass line! Can anyone please up Ryu’s?
Edit2: Chun’s theme from the 3DO has also lost the feeling. For this one, I will forever stick to the original one.
Ken’s theme as the main theme for HDR is awesome, best song in a fighting game eva!
It first plays the CPS2 version and the 3do starts about 2:30 in
For ken
3do version starts at about 3 minutes
I like Dhalsim new BG in HDR, fuck them elephants!
You knew you arrived at a good arcade when you heard those damn elephants in the attract mode of a SF2 machine from like half a mile away.
Yeah, although the CPS1 tunes were originally made for the X68000 port of SSF2. Similarly, the 3DO music gets a lot of credit even though it originated from the FM Towns version except with some random new sound effects on a couple of stages (e.g. crows cawing in England).
There are only 5 quality soundtracks that can be found in Super SF2 versions (their most well-known version in parentheses): CPS1 (AE CPS1), CPS2 (arcade), JP CD (3DO), Euro CD (PC), and HDR. There are others for the 16-bit consoles, GBA, and Amiga but I don’t think anybody would be interested in listening to them.
I still much favor the Euro CD music. They capture a smoothness and depth in most tracks that the other arrangements don’t match. And on the other end of the spectrum, I cringe whenever I catch an earful of the unmistakably raucous elephant trumpeting.
This times 100. I loved how the punches sounded when they connected. Standing fierce punch to the face, “POOOOOW!” I miss those sound effects the most. sigh.
Yep this is so true though. One arcade I used to get a chance to play on occasionally, the bass speakers were so high, Dhalsim stage’s base would rattle the whole cabinet.