Should One button dash in MVC2 be banned from Evo?

I will money match anyone in magneto’s triangle dash infinite. They get one button, I get an arcade stick without one button dash. I will money match that same person with one button dash and they get an arcade stick. I’ll win either way. LOL@ all the losers in this thread whining cuz I’m gonna own them hardcore lol good luck at evo.

LOL ^ this guy. sup fanatic, see ur still using 1 button dash. wassup with a MM @ evo? With 1 button dash u lose some and u gain some. Once msp DHC the order is fucked up and u gotta use storm /mag assist. But mag has big adv at the start with tha shiat, makes the random factor better.

i just think the game was made so that if you were gonna dash in air, you had to press 2 buttons. not 1. but fuck it, i ain’t joining evo or playing anyone on some 1 button shit, so i’m good. YeEE

Yo Mr. Yosemite, Have you seen the mvc2 ranbats? Thats all arcade baby and I belive I got 2nd. I don’t even play amymore console so I’m out of practice with it. I will tell you though, I’ll money match anyone in the aforementioned execution battle and I won’t use one button dash. I like how half the people whining in this thread (some of em obviously directed towards me) won’t even accept it lol. Anyways yeah you know I’m down to mm at evo. I dont’ turn down matches. BTW you going to evo west? Hit me up.

Is this young hype vs. smooth viper?

The argument that goes something along the lines of ‘losing to a scrub with (whatever)’ is dumb. You’re saying that you are so bad that all it would take for a scrub to beat you is to learn (whatever).

Stop treating this like its some magic button that you press that automatically roms, resets, and guardbreaks your next two characters. You need sent for that. lk+hk ftw.

…what…I only use it for uh…baking brownies…I mean supers >.>

I’ll play you for $100 at evo world… you seem pretty cocky posting that vid up of you vs erik when he wasn’t even using his real teams…:rolleyes:

Whats this have to do with winning Evo? Get your gdlike IM and take it to evo, and i bet you wont win. Marvel isnt just about resets or dashing, its also about strat… if one button dash was so overpowered, then everyone would use it.

One button dash is just plain ugly!

If you’re going to allow console rules in the tournament, let me pick Strider/Strider/Doom or Sentinel/Sentinel/Commando.

This is why I said you guys are stretching things thin for an example.



This is why you are GAY




FT 10 for 100? I’m down

i’ll back remix up to 200 additional if you can find someone to back you more money loren, shogo has agreed to bring money from me to evo world to put down for me

dude, you are GDLK

I’ll take 100 of the additional 200 you’re adding, and I’m pretty sure megaman dan will back at least 20-40 of it. Thanks for the donation.

are you using your cheat pad or a mas stick?

cuz that money is only good if you’re using a mas stick

otherwise fck the bet

my bad i forgot to ask you

I don’t do big money matches on console sticks. I hate console sticks just as much if not more than pyro. Why you hate on pad use anyways? I guarantee you I can beat you in an execution battle with your one button dash. You use OBD, I"ll use a stick and win. So whats the problem?

I dunno, i don’t see anything wrong with one button dashing… like some other guy said earlier, it’s not gonna make you unstopable just by having it. i practice with ps2 pad at home since i don’t have a dc stick, and it does take awhile to get used to the timing changes. you also lose an assist, so I think thats a fair trade.