Stop typing in ‘wheat’ color, I am not changing the color in each quote to match it >:P!
I’m hardly upset, but it’s just ever since Evo went console so many people immediately take this issue to heart. I’m pretty sure you can go back find EACH thread discussing the matter since it was first brought up. Nothing’s changed, but year in and year out people get antsy over the subject, go to Evo, realize it doesn’t really matter in the end, and then bring it up again anyway. Why bother?
Yes I know about that. I have it twice worse off because my friend is only willing to play it on the PS2 port where he can button map AND keep his assist, but it doesn’t really bother me. I’m just curious to see if it seems to bother you guys in a way that doesn’t come off as: “Hey, how come I had to work hard to get roms down with all the buttons when he can just press one and do the same thing?”; which truthfully sounds a bit childish, but that’s just me.
I didn’t bring up that issue, infact I’ve never brought up that issue in the past either, but I think you guys are stretching things thin to find an example (again, just my opinion on the matter).
i’m just saying that even in the jwong vs yipes video for evo2k5, they BOTH messup the magneto rom combo, and i’m sure no one will argue they are some of the best players in the world, now doesn’t it suck that someone that has mapped buttons can do it perfectly and possibly win that matchup because of this gamebreaking rule?
Hasn’t it been proven that even when you map that you will not get a dash every single time? Also, simply mapping the button doesn’t suddenly grant perfect execution nor create any gamebreaking scenarios either.
You KNOW this button mapping doesn’t really affect the tournament / community man in the end, I don’t see why the issue’s still being addressed really. We all know our stances on the matter, just suck it up, accept it, and leave it at that.
omg yes mapping buttons is stupid, u lose the middle assist in which u wouldnt have used anyways unless u dhc. yes u have flawless dashed(this is wave dashing and air dashing) yes they will have flawless rom and sick setups with magneto crazy wave dashes and be able to do 40% maybe more of the combos in that magnetro video in which some are no way possible.
for people saying who cares go play marvel on turbo 2 against some kids i know that love to play on that and try a air combo with sent and get back to me( since its part of the game and people Do play on it)
in the end it might not matter but as some else said earlier on this thread, it still screws up the mid tier level for evo, and if this is a once a year deal, i would feel pretty shitty if i got raped by some foo that i would rape if he(or she i guess) didn’t have a OBD
But if you button mapped it would be a different story… You cant rom for shit but if you played someone good just cause you hit them they could be done.
Chibi, I don’t even understand why you’re participating in this discussion when you obviously have no idea how it affects marvel. Notice how the people who actually play marvel are against it?
I love how the rep system lets you know how dumb a poster is before you even read his posts. I have to thank wiz for that one.
No, that’s by your fucktarded “I can’t fit any words in my own mouth do to the fact that it’s full of dicks so I’ll just put words in other people’s mouths” logic. I said the one-button mapping was left in on purpose. This isn’t a fighting game glitch. It’s a rule that has been argued about for years and all I did was repeat what the OFFICIAL ANSWER was. Don’t get mad because you came to the party late, clown.
No need to worry about that. As far as stupid goes, you’ve cornered the market.
And of course, only people who just recently joined SRK never saw this argument before. And of course, only people who see as well as Hellen Keller miss the fact that I said I was against it, but this was the answer given.
And of course, the people who actually win tournaments aren’t here arguing over it. Call me a scrub all you want but if the guys who actually have a chance of going home with money don’t care why should you or anyone else? OH NO! You’ll be 53rd instead of 35th! Give me a fucking break. This shit is CVS2 roll cancelling all over again.
No, because that’s a dumb fucking point. noone is stopping you from using your pad or mapping on your stick. If anything it just shows that one is too stupid to take advantage of what’s given to him. If you handicap yourself on purpose who’s fault is that?
For the record, and for those as dumb as Power333, I’m not for button mapping. I don’t like it either, but it’s there and has been there. This is not new. They didn’t ban it in Guilty Gear IIRC and it didn’t affect the placing of the top players. We went through this last year and the official stance was “Evo is not arcade, it’s console.” I’m fairly certain that was the quote for wiz, so Power, feel free to call him an idiot all you like.
whats the point of this…justin is gonna win marvel anyway…japan is gonna take 3s, GG, and possibly CvS2…but just to make a fact known we all have to abide by the rules and if thats part of it then we have to roll with it…if players come out of nowhere and beat the best then who cares it just shows that there is someone who is at least trying to win with what they feel comfortable with…and i even said that it should be banned too
in the end, the results will show who put the most effort and time into there gameplay and practice to make themself a better player…so what if ppl use a macro…if that MACRO person loses it just shows they have to work harder and take the long natural way to get better…i swear this is like tryin to discuss steroid use on athletes lol