Shoryuken Showdown [ TBD] -_- XBL

Sup SRK, my friends over at Revolution Gaming are throwing an online SSF4:AE tournament via Xbox Live. The rules and prizes are as follows:

*It has been decided that the tournament will be at a later date due to series of issues in regards to our personal site. For everyone that entered, you are still accounted for and will be notified immediately when the date of the tournament has been set. For everyone else, feel free to send me a PM out of interest and I’ll keep you posted on the state of things

I apologize to the players who were expecting to play, as I was also expecting to see some good games before these issues were brought to my attention.

*There will be a 32 man cap on the entries
*This tournament will be a single elimination, 2/3 games for qualifiers, and 3/5 for finals
*The winner’s character will be locked, however ultras may be changed.
*Competitors will have 5 minutes to connect for their matches, since the tournament will be neutral hosted, we will send an invite when your match is up.
*Brackets will be posted on Challonge and we will be streaming the event so keeping track of time will be a bit easier.

Prizes will be as follows:

1st place: 1600 MSP
2nd place: 800 MSP
3rd place: 400 MSP

2.FNEX MADness
8.The Lat
12.Flash House

entry list has been updated, 27 spots left. Apparently due to time constraints, the tournament is supposed to be single elimination, sorry for the miscommunication.

Fuck it im in

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

update: 24 spots left!!

Update: Time has been added to the original post

There’s more than enough room to join in, 24 spots left!

22 spots left, lets keep the entries coming so we can have a great tourney for all of us!

I’m in. xbl: atax1s

Gt- Flash House

yo im down, GT- JonJon21O

Update: Looks like we’re setting this tourney on a later date due to some issues on our end. I have a list of everyone that wanted to get in saved on my PC, so I’ll reach out to everyone when things get settled. Sorry for the late heads up and the overall inconvenience

what you gotta do to enter?
Xbox live gamertag: (Shiny ShoeZ)
mgs me on xbox live if im in

If it is still going on, I’d like to enter/
My gt is Saixhinata

If this is still going on I’d like to enter.