Short short xx super

It seems one of my biggest problems is not being able to punish things to the fullest, mainly because I don’t quite understand how to put in certain commands quick enough.

For example, I have my opponent cornered and I’m trying to mix things up. I manage to hit him with,, and after that I’ll try the motion for a shinku-hadouken and either get a regular hadouken or nothing at all.

How do you get both qcf’s in quick enough without botching the super into a different move or doing it so late that they block it?

learn to buffer in moves then it’s 20x easier. let’s say you’re using ken
do clk. qcf+lk (make sure it hits crouching) then if that hits do another qcf into super, half the effort.

I read about doing some directional motions before the combo started, didn’t quite click for me at first though. Seems not too hard, I’ll check it out.

Not working out too well for me lol, any tips to learn how to buffer?

try doing it with a qcf +mk qcf+p for super. on the first qcf hit mk as soon as you hit down. you should be able to get this within a few tries

With Ken I can do a qcf + mk to get the crouching mk, and then another qcf mk to get the level 3 kick super. But when I try to to the shoryuken super he throws out a hadouken.

I remember reading something about a negative edge, do I need to be holding down the mk while I do the second qcf for the punch super to come out?

On a japanese stick what I literally do is do the one short, then at the last short i start mashing the command then i press the button. Works all the time for me.

Probably doesn’t help I’m using a PS2 controller instead of a stick, sometimes my qfc motions are smooth and other times my thumb just doesn’t work with me.

Thanks for the tips though guys.

The way I do Ken’s c.LK(2x) xx Shoryureppa:


After the second c.LK hold down the LK button, that will prevent you from getting a Shinryuken by accident. You can even do the motion slow if you want, which will make it even easier to hit confirm.


If it hits, finish the motion for the super; if it’s blocked, don’t do anything.

Another way of doing the same combo:


Do the 2 c.LKs and buffer qcf; if it hits, finish the motion for the super; if it’s blocked, don’t do anything.

The first method works better for me but I suggest you try several different ways and then find out which one works best for you.

If you are having trouble doing thumb motions on the pad just practice Zangief’s 360 grabs for a while until it hurts, then rest, then do it again. This will build up speed and consistency. You will know you are doing it right if you can keep Zangief standing and doing the grab motion back-to-back. Just in case you don’t know, the shortcut motion for the 360 is (if facing right) left to up-right, counter-clockwise of course. Ora ora!

just practace it alot. maybe try some of that buffering stuff, but really just use it as a stepping stone to doing the complete motion. doing the whole motion will be better in the long run.

This coming from a guy who can’t short, short anything ever if his life depended on it. I miss you fuckers.

ill short your circuit.