Short-hop Phoenix Arrow

Lately, I’ve noticed that short-hopping and whipping out a light Phoenix Arrow from time to time helps to keep my opponents on their toes. What do you guys think?

Methinks short jump roundhouse / forward is better.
Tigerknee’d roundhouse phoenix arrow is a descent long ranged poke, but it has quite a bit of recovery if you miss.

I used it like once, and ate a PTF for it. I’ve never done it again.

i tried to throw bison once and ate ptf. I’ll never throw again. :confused:

i don’t know how good :lk: phoenix arrow is, but yes you should use low jumps:rolleyes:

I also whiffed a crouching fierce and ate a ptf. I’ve never used…oh wait.

With what Activation gives Bison, a predictable Athena will always eat a Paint the Fence.
LP Phoenix Arrow, blocked, is safe.
The only way you’re going to get this to “short hop” is to superjump or immediately after jumping forward input the command for it.

The difference between doing this and sticking to counter-hit/throw mixups is that you’re fairly commited once you’re take off, and activation functions much like a single marvelous one hit wonder of a “Parry” that gives Bison enough time to consider how he’ll put you in the corner to Paint your Fence.

In other words, doing risky shit vs Full Meter A-Bison only begs the question,
Why am I doing this?
Doing predictable shit vs Full Meter A-Bison (ala d.HP) only begs the question,
Why am I doing this?