Shipping a Joystick

How to you guys ship a Joystick to someone

It’s a Acsiiware Arcade Stick for the Playstation, I just don’t like the button layout for Fiighting Games at all



Shipping a damn Joystick to someone in the mail, That what…Sorry my wording sucks, I though people would try to make it out…I never done this before, I want opinions about it…Thoughts kind of Joystick the Ball doesn’t come off

Get a box big enough…
Pad it with foam/bubblewrap…
Seal it…
Ship it…

Whoa whoa, slow down. What the fuck is a “box?”

Let’s ask Kermit…

Just asking…Thanks

First you sit on it. Then you put yourself in a box and have someone put a shipping label on the box and ship it out

You guys are dicks, at least some people are actually helpful

Question, was I meant to put the stick in the box?


pee on that bitch
word to boxy brown