Am I the only one who has a hard time doin’ the Mode change cancel into “Order in the Court!” after an aerial combo? lolol.
Any tips? I needa’ be able to pull that off perfectly whenever I need to, my opponent always “wakes up” because I can’t do it fast enough.
Practice practice practice I guess…
Also @GeneticOperator, those evidence combos you posted are very interestin’, I’ve never thought about usin’ evidence like that. Will be doin’ some experimentin’ yo :3
I never experimented with crouching opponents but thanks for testing that out. Also I notice that the Objection loop Marin posted could be used in this combo up to the Turnabout. You merely do it after the j :h: after :qcb: :h: and you get a better set up for the loop and combo afterwards.
Have you tried performing your aerial attacks slightly later so you land quicker as they fall. Also whenever I do the Mode cancel into “Order in the Court” I switched to D-pad rather than joystick. Unless you use Arcade stick otherwise no idea. I’m trying to sync the second :d: and :s: together so less frames are wasted, maybe try that.
Testing on an unpatcted UMvC3… apparently since always.
Not sure what loop you are referring to unless your talking about the air combo loop IN turnabout mode, which doesn’t really make sense to what you’re saying. So I have no idea what your talking about with the j :h: after :qcb: :h: stuff.
BTW the combo I listed works anywhere, not just corner.
What I mean
I’ll start from the beginning. The combo I’m suggesting is :h:, :qcb::h:, j.:h:,:s:,j:m:,j:m:,j:h:,j:d::h:,:s:,j:m:,j:m:,j:h:,j:d::h:,:d::h:, :qcf::atk::atk:
Yes I use the D-Pad to mode change, it’s a lot easier. Also I use j*:l:*,j:m:,j:m:,j:h: j:s: this sends me to the ground fast.
Thanks I’ll keep practicin’, I probably needa’ see what works best for me I guess.
This is a combo I put together yesterday, It’s an improved version of a combo I saw. Someone tell me what you think about it yo.
(Trial Mode)
*:l:, , :h:, :qcf:+:l: xx :qcf:+:atk::atk: xx XFC, Dash, Dash, :s:, j:l:, *,j:m:, ,j:m:, ,j:h:, j:s:, land xx :qcb:+:atk::atk:
Damage total = approximately 760, 000
Easy stuff, also you can hit a ABC combo before the :s: but I choose to do it this way. This combo would probably best be used in certain situations where you can afford to waste the XFC on Trial Mode Wright.
You can also use a OTG assist when you land after the j:s: to hit Objection, I’m sure you could make this combo longer if the opponent ends up in the corner.
Assuming this is in turnabout.
Does this work any where in the screen? Also, wouldn’t doing the paperwork in the beginning scale the combo a lot? If you’re starting the combo with the :h:, you can usually omit the paper work and just do j. :h: after it.
Ah, cool stuff. I’ll have to give that a try. As for stance switching after an Aerial combo, I usually input it like this:
Really make sure that the second down is the start of your :qcb: . You have to get it in pretty fast so it’ll work, takes some practice, but after a while it’s surprisingly something that I never mess up online in the heat of battle, it becomes very easy.
Yeah I realized that to, I got it in once or twice though it’s tricky. I’ll keep practicin’ cause that there is a very useful thing yo.
Like ZombicidalYoshi I use the D pad for stance switching, an alternative combo (if you didn’t know) is :h::d::h: in the air the “hold it” lets you delay you air :s: so when you do it you can come down to the ground faster and give you some time to change stance.
Thank you, but however it’s a problem to get in range for Wright’s combos in my opinion I have trouble landing hits in trial mode to do those combos at time.
Depends on where the :h: finger hits up close yeah you don’t need the paperwork since it does scale the damage of the combo. Here are some cases if I remember:
Opponent jumps gets hit by the tip of finger
It depends on how high they were when they were hit I would still recommend doing paperwork since it can catch the opponent giving you time to do j.:h:. I know if it’s too high the paperwork can’t catch them and you can’t combo from that.
Opponent jumps gets hit and gets hit inside/within the hand
I’m believe you won’t need paperwork in this case since it’s possible to do j.:h: after (I don’t have access to UMVC3 atm since letting friend borrow it) but I would still do paperwork just to give you time to reach and do j.:h:
The good advantage of paperwork is it allows the :h: startup to be mid-screen capable when combo’d with :qcb: :h: paperwork because of the immense reach. If you are doing it in the corner there may be no point unless you want extra damage but be careful not to drop it because the timigs sometimes weird.
I think my main problem with Wright as well as a few players is his set-ups due to the short range his moves have. This is difficult when fighting bunny hop Weskers, Vergils and other rushdown characters. Does anyone have a technique or idea on how I can improve set-ups with Phoenix.
Barring assists, the most you can do is zone back with paper work and evidence. Paper work is pretty good but of course requires you to be in trial mode so it will probably mess with your setups to begin with. Off the top of my head it would probably go something like :l: low paperwork, :h: low paperwork, stance change, maya shield.
Easy 1.01 mil damage from bridge to the turnabout **as the first hit of the combo **(Can be standing or jumping. You’ll have to be fast if you’re doing the jumping version). Can be done in any part of the screen.
s.:s:, j., j.
, j.:h:, j.:d::h: , s.:s:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:d::h: , s.:s:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:d::h: , c. :h:, (Wait for opponent to fall behind you), s.:s:, j.:h:, (Wait until near the enemy), j.:s:, :qcb::atk::atk:
Usually the combo I use if I can’t start the objection loop with :s:. Deals around 900k damage from what I remember.
c.:h:, j.:h:, s.:s:, j., j.
, j.:h:, j.:d::h: , s.:s:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:d::h: , :qcf::atk::atk:, DHC to any hyper or :qcb::atk::atk:
A trial combo that’s dependent on an OTG assist. Deals around 580k damage.
s.:l:, c.:l:, c., s.:h:, s.:h:, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, s.:l:, s.
, s.:h:, quickly OTG assist (If it’s like Chris’ land mine), s.:s:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, OTG assist (If it’s like Wesker’s low shot), s.:s:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, :qcb::atk::atk:
Another trial combo but it takes up two meters. Deals around 600k damage.
s.:l:, c.:l:, c., s.:h:, s.:h:, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, s.:l:, s.
, s.:h:, s.:f::h:, s.:dp:
, Until 14 - 16 number of hits :qcf::atk::atk:, s.:s:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, :qcb::atk::atk:
A combo taking advantage of the judge hyper to land 4 full hits from the grenade hyper. Deals around 700k damage.
s.:l:, c.:l:, c., s.:h:, s.:h:, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, s.:l:, s.
, s.:h:, quickly OTG assist (If it’s like Chris’ land mine), s.:s:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, OTG assist (If it’s like Wesker’s low shot), s.:s:, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, :qcb::atk::atk:, DHC to :qcf::atk::atk:, (Time it correctly) s.:qcf::h:, j.:qcf::h:, :dp::atk::atk:
Oh, it can also be done during turnabout combos so… That’s pretty much a lot of damage. Just remember that order in the court must be done in the corner then DHC to grenade hyper when below the opponent.
Berserker, you’d probably want to omit as many :l:'s (and maybe even 's) from your combos as you can. It make make the combos slightly easier, but it seriously kills the damage for them.
But… But… I’m use to it
Oh well.
[details=Spoiler]A trial combo that’s dependent on an OTG assist.
s.:l:, s., s.:h:, s.:h:, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, s.:h:, quickly OTG assist (If it’s like Chris’ land mine), s.:s:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, OTG assist (If it’s like Wesker’s low shot), s.:s:, j.
j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, :qcb::atk::atk:
Another trial combo but it takes up two meters.
s.:l:, s., s.:h:, s.:h:, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, s.:h:, s.:f::h:, s.:dp:
, Until 14 - 16 number of hits :qcf::atk::atk:, s.:s:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, :qcb::atk::atk:
A combo taking advantage of the judge hyper to land 4 full hits from the grenade hyper.
s.:l:, s., s.:h:, s.:h:, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, quickly OTG assist (If it’s like Chris’ land mine), s.:s:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, OTG assist (If it’s like Wesker’s low shot), s.:s:, j.
, j.:h:, j.:h:, j.:s:, :qcb::atk::atk:, DHC to :qcf::atk::atk:, (Time it correctly) s.:qcf::h:, j.:qcf::h:, :dp::atk::atk:[/details]
As for the turnabout combos, it looked like it had a lot of because of the objection loop.
So I’ve been tinkering with some tech I found on these forums regarding plinking maya in investigation mode and I wanted to share some things I found.
When plinking maya in wright goes immediately into searching for evidence on the frame that maya appears on the screen. This effectively eliminates the start up and recovery frames of summoning maya and leaves phoenix wright at a larger frame advantage (and hey you just picked up some evidence too).
For starters this lets Wright search for evidence mid combo by plinking :qcf::h: maya otg in the corner and lets him follow up for more damage or more evidence with the advantage granted.
:qcf::h:+:s:(plinked),:atk:+:s:,:d::d::s:xx:qcb::atk:+:atk:: 2 searches
I can already see the use in this for comboing into lengthy assists to gather more evidence in the corner
:qcf::h:+:s:(plinked),:a1:,:f::h:,:atk:+:s:, :f:,:atk:+:s:,:d::d::s:xx:qcb::atk:+:atk:: 3 searches
Granted getting to turnabout from here is going to get kind of tricky depending on your choice of team but I doubt its impossible.
My team is Spencer(b), Wright(y), and Wesker(b) and while my assists don’t help my lawyer on point much the combo potential in this team is meant to make up for it. Basically the theory is to combo from 0+ evidence to turnabout mode or hammer by using Spencer’s slant shot assist to stand the the opponent up into cross examine dizzy state and use the 120 frame stun to gather evidence. Now technically combos like this have always been a possibility with this kind of team, but generally they were too impractical for an actual match.
Using this combo wright can get to turnabout mid screen with zero evidence in investigation mode at the cost of a meter if your lucky.
cr.:l:, cr., st.:h:,:s:, j.:h:,:d::h:,:s:,:a2:(otg),dash,:s:, j.:h:, :d::h:, :s:,:qcf::h:+:s:(plinked),:f::h:,:a1:(slant shot),:d::d::s:,:f::h:(dizzy)xx:d::d::s:,:atk:+:s:,:atk:+:s:, :qcf::atk:+:atk:,:d::d::s:,:f::h:(objection)
Timings pretty tight on a lot of that but its doable. Using maya’s otg like this means that you have to either search for or discard your 3rd slot of evidence and that can be bad if its occupied by a particularly good piece of evidence like the phone. on the other hand pulling this off leaves your opponent standing in front of you cornered should you choose to let the dizzy wear off and go for a reset in which case toss all the evidence you like. And of course if the investigation doesn’t go your way you can end the combo with :f:,:atk:+:s:,:d::d::s:xx:qcb::atk:+:atk: instead.
I have a number of other setups with this team that focus on gathering evidence throughout the combo, but I feel my team is simply too lacking in the assist department to do anything against certain set ups such as dedicated keep away teams. Anyway I believe similar combos are available to wright with other teammates such as dante, amatarasu, doom, sentinel, and much more.allowing for more evidence gathering setups and shenanigans. Oh and if these combos seem a bit hard to grasp in text I went to a tournament yesterday at an anime convention and placed top 8.
starts at around 9:00 in and my matches are at 9:54,10:42,11:00,11:21, and 11:48.
Hope that helps spark some inspiration into this combo thread =)
The dizzy combo actually looks pretty nice!!! I bet the guy’s face when you got the Ace Attorney turned red and everything XD