pick up.
if you want a different color then let me know…
pick up.
if you want a different color then let me know…
hey shatterstar thanks alot for the av i choose the normal one and it looks great. Isaved it in my pictures I know this is a noobish question but how do i apply it to srk thanks alot for all your help.
[] go to user CP
[] click on edit avatar
[] use Option 2 - Upload Image From Your Computer
[] click browse
[] select teh av
[] upload it
[*] fin[/list]
man these are sick
good shit
thanks shatterstar for all your help the steps seem to be working, but it says the image size is 21 and it only allows upto 19.5 sorry for asking so many questions but i really want to display the sick av u made me.
I love that Akuma av.
Awesome job. Keep up the great work. :tup:
Hey Shatta, if you want to reduce the file size of the Chun Li avatar but still keep the quality you can open the avatar in Image ready and save it as a GIF with these settings:
–Color Table–
Reduction: Selective
Colors: 256
Web snap: 0%
Method: No dither
Those are my usual settings for avatars.
:tup: But yeah, keep up the great work… dood.
good shyt…but i would really like some advice for my current av…fuckin’ magic wand! :arazz:
my bad. ll fix that 2morrow. ok, yaw, got 2 spots left…who want it?
cosign very sexy
Yo Shatter
Mind if I get an avatar, Premium size if possible, with this pic on it (attachment)
Just do anything you like with it, and put “MagnetiX” anywhere on it also.
Thanks if you can.
hmm…gotcha. check back here 2morrow.
ROFLLMAO@dudley AV nice stuff Shatter
pic up.
also, fixed.
1 spot left, yaw…who want it!?
Thanks again for the avatar, and all your help with the application of it.
Yo, i’m lovin that!
But could you take out the “5” in MagnetiX5?
Shit’s pimp, yo!
uh, no cuz i cant…my bad…
Can you make me an av with this sprite?
If you can, put the words “Death From Above” on it. Thanks you.
Are you talking about getting rid of that white border around Pscyloke… dood?
try again.