Share your favorite/least favorite/interesting hitboxes

lets share some hitboxes of specific moves and characters.

I like this one, but i cant actually find the hitbox for it. j.C for days =)

I wish i could find hitboxes for JoJo, but polnareff’s jumping medium is too good.

ST buttons are fair.

ST buttons are the best buttons.

speaking of st boxes

Here’s a good ol’ classic.

modern one with elphelt

O. Gief’s reversal suplex.

This but in CVS2

Good luck trying to jump-in on Krauser.

We need more games with ST hitboxes.

B Hebi Tsukai (fast)

Really? I gotta be the first to post this? Alright I guess.

Additional lmao at the pushbox being a mile behind Ralf so that when you try to run up on him he teleports through you and then when you freak out and push a button because what the fuck just happened he teleports to the other side of you then does command grab.