guys i have a vision but no artistic skill so im asking your your help with this 1.
recently there’s been some emphasis on characters with shades and i’d like some1 to incorporate that into #1 a wallpaper drawing about 1440 x 900 and #2 a Youtube layout (because of the info box it ould be 1 alf of the picture on each side of the box).
so Heres that vision: UMVC3 wesker (black carbon fiber suit & trenchcoat )standing infront of the cash register of a glasses shop (in a mall most likely) with 1 broken lens and his glowing red eye being visible.
I also see viper somewhere in the shop holding onto guile’s arm & putting a pair of shades on him.
I’ve been rather fond of the nuts vs guts youtube style of animation but w/e you guys bring to the table (if you even see this) would be greatly appreciated! just leave comments ideas or work here or message me thanks again.