SFxT v2013: Paul Changes

yep. now give me my 5F j.mp and I’m even more happy :3

They didn’t buff any of his air attacks ?
I understand your pain, if both of you jump at the same time you’re almost always gonna lose the air battle =/
But with the buffed scissor kicks, I’m definitely gonna restrict my jumping :smiley:

Say, what do you guys think of the current system chances they announced ?
I’m a bit worried of the throw buff, thay say it’s gonna erase all the recoverable health of the opponent which is gonna make cross arts a bit redundant I think.

Frame trap characters with a fast walkspeed like Cammy and Cody are gonna become very scary now…I’m also worried that it will have a negative effect on Paul since he can’t tick throw that easily anymore (with the nerfed st.lp), even with a faster walkspeed his normals are still slower than most.

A speed gem could fix that tick throw problem

That’s true, but only for 20 seconds or so :stuck_out_tongue:
But teching throws is still gonna be harder for him tho, throws used to be 7 frames startup which was just a bit slower or the same as his light and medium attacks. But now they are 5 frames which is roughly the same or faster than his medium and light attacks with crouching light kick being 6frames…
Especially for someone like myself, who is not the greatest in teching, this is looking really scary XD

I like them so far.
that makes throws better, but not by much, seeing how the life recovery is greatly reduced now. it’s still a nice application for them, since they are still somewhat lacking, due to the extremely short range. walk speed will be a lot more important then frame traps really. that, and a good s.lp :smiley:
I don’t think this will play much into paul’s disadvantage. with 5F start up and with cl.mp we have a perfect tick throw setup now, with mortar a 2 frame gap and with s.lp a 3 frame gap, so every option beats now every mashable normal. this is actually huge, and opens up a whole new approach for paul. problem is to get in close, but that is something he had to deal with before too, and got only improved with his walk speed.

out of all the system changes, the removal of whiff meter building hurts him the most imo (unless I just forgot one). he isn’t exactly a battery char, nor has continuous pressure, so his meter gain ability is sub par. with chain lp sway, he could get around that to a degree. =/

If the changes carry on, MP Sway will be invincible against all crouching attacks, tho I don’t know the exact frames.

Currently all I can think of it is as a guessing tool in footsies against ppl who like walk up sweep or cr.MK, as long as you do it fast enough. I honestly want to see the distance of the forward movement.

A complete list of changes for all characters is up in capcom jp. Translated by myself. I believe this will be final. I guess it feels better to see everything in one single post; this one will be similar to the first post tho (Source: http://www.capcom.co.jp/sfxtk/system_update.html):

Demolition Man - Can be cancelled only with Super
Forward dash - Recovery reduced by 6 (Total 17f)
st.LP - Start-up 4f->5f, blockstun reduced by 3 (on block +2f), pushback on block increased, smaller hitbox, larger hurtbox
cl.st.HP - Start-up 12f->7f
far st.HP - Start-up 18f->12f, recovery on hit reduced by 6 (on hit +3)
cr.LK - Start-up 6f->5f
cr.MP - Start-up 6f->5f, recovery increased by 6f on boost combo (on hit -5f/on block -9f)
cr.MK - Pushback on block reduced on boost combo
cr.HP - smaller hurtbox, start-up 8f->6f, recovery on hit reduced by 12 (on hit +2f), damage 90->80, larger hitbox
Sway - Strike invincible 1~5f for all versions
LP Sway - 15f and onward cancellable by special moves other than Sway
MP Sway - Recovery reduced by 4 on hit (on hit +6), invincible against crouching attacks, forward movement longer than the back up movement, pushback reduced on block
HP Sway - Blockstun reduced by 2 (on block -8f), pushback reduced on block, damage 100->150
1st hit of Shredder - Smaller hurtbox
LK Shredder - Start-up 10f->6f, damage 20+20+60(100)->30+202(70), invincible against airborne attacks
MK Shredder - Start-up 10f->6f, damage 20+20+60(100)->30+20
2(70), invincible against standing/crouching attacks
HK Shredder - Start-up 10f->6f, damage 20+20+60(100)->50+30*2(110)
EX Shredder - Start-up 10f->7f, hits crouchers
Mountain Raze - Float on hit is the same as EX version
EX Mountain Raze - Start-up 20f->15f, 1~17f invincible, Float on counter hit is the same as normal hit
Mortar Punch - Ground bounce on counter hit, damage 90->130
EX Mortar Punch - Distance changes by inputting left or right
Phoenix Smasher - Damage on counter hit 230, camerawork changed on counter, the blowback on counter hit is the same as normal hit, SE (sound effect) on counter hit the same as the last hit of Ryu’s EX SRK
EX Phoenix Smasher - Damage on counter hit 200, SE (sound effect) on counter hit the same as the last hit of Ryu’s EX SRK
Bone Breaker -> Elbow - 1st hit on counter hit gives the opponent ground hitstun in which the 2nd hit will connect, 2nd hit has 2f longer advantage
Throws -> Damage 150->130

Meter gain on specials:
Mountain Raze - hit 40->35
Shredder - hit 203(60)->103(30)
LP Sway - whiff 15->0
MP Sway - hit 40->35
HP Sway - hit 40->50
Mortar Punch - hit 40->50
Phoenix Smasher - whiff 15->0/hit 40->62

Movement speed - Slightly faster

So am I missing something or will Paul still be pretty bad when the patch comes out? He needs to waste an ex bar to have a gtfo me move that can hit crouchers. He’s still really slow with a really bad backdash and his normals are pretty mediocre to just plain bad. His sway and mortar punch are all still very slow on startup to the point where no experienced player should get hit by them. His pheonix smasher is easily punishable on block even if spaced perfectly. His tekken strings are still piss poor unless you score a counter hit which is situational at best. Even with the buffs to his moves they all still seem really bad, except for his anti-air shredder. But everyone will have an anti-air when the patch comes out.

Absolutely not, he only got a couple of nerfs

  • st.lp 4f to 5f, +5 to +2 on block.
  • hangover can only be canceled by super now
  • Throw damage 150-130
  • Sway getting a reduced pushback, meaning it’s easier to punish now I think.

All the other things he’s got are BUFFS.

The big 2 problems with Paul was 1) that he had no reversal options and 2) his mobility was also really limited.
They increased his walkspeed and reduced the total animation of his forward dash which solves his mobility problem.
They made all his sways fully strike invincible for 5 frames, they made his MK scissor kick invincible against standing and crouching attacks, and his EX scissor kick now hits crouching opponents. This solves his reversal options.
To have a GUARANTEED get off me move he needs to waste at least 1 meter yes, but so do a lot of characters. King, Abel, Law, Kazuya, Kuma, Marduk, Yoshimitsu and probably some other, all those characters need at least 1 meter to reversal.

His normals were never THAT bad imo, only a bit slow, but they made most his moves faster and tweaked his hurtboxes/hitboxes, so it’s all good.
I think that Paul will still be one of the worst character in the game, BUT he’s definitely not as bad as he was. You can compare him a bit to Dan Hibiki. Dan has always been the weakest character in the game and not viable at all. But now in AE, altho still considered as one the weakest character, he is definitely viable, he got a ton of buffs and can seriously deal a lot of damage. As a Dan player myself I always found Paul and Dan a bit similiar ^^’

Still, I don’t like to make a lot of predictions, with all the system chances and all we won’t know how this will affect Paul. Who knows, Paul might become one of the strongest characters now, altho I think that will be unlikely.

You won’t be able to recover that much health now anyway so I guess It’s not THAT scary that throws will take away all that grey health.
I didn use throws in blockstrings a lot anyway, but I often used to them when I’m hitconfirming to reset my opponent. So It’s a bonus for me since I won’t need to waste cross arts anymore, altho I really liked using cross art =P
It’s definitely gonna chance how we used to play SfxTk that’s for sure XD

I often play against a friend who plays Cammy/Chunli so that is also one of the reasons why the nerf of st.lp and the buff of throws frighten me a little.
St.lp has a startup of 5 and is +2 on block, this means that Cammy/Chunli will always be able to interrupt me with a st.lp or cr.lk/cr.lp since they have a startup of 3 (unless they nerfed their normals, I’m not aware of that).
So the only viable way to tick throw them is like u said, by using cl.MP since that gives you +5 on block, which is enough to either throw or frame trap, altho if you do attack and they didn’t got baited and simply blocked then yeah, you’ve kinda resetted the situation, you’re too far away to walk up throw or walk up jab >.>

I think Paul will go up few places on version 2013, not a lot but definitely better, something like mid-low tier.

Having a real dragon and a better mobility like you said are his both greatness buffs imo.

I don’t really play the game now, maybe i will try to replay it seriously…

You’re certainly a lot more optimistic than I am, but I like that :smiley:
You might be right because to me, in order to be mid-low tier you need to have at least a couple of good match ups. The only good match ups I can think of, in 2012, is Hugo, Marduk and Yoshimitsu.
Hugo and Marduk didn’t get any significant changes, at least no chances that would influence the match up.

That is a buff :D. he can now cancel it by super as well (additionally to demolition man obviously).

biggest nerf:
LP Sway
15 Meter => 0 :’(

btw, mk shredder is total invincible against grounding attacks, giving us a non ex reversal options, it won’t hit crouchers tho, but that is still something to keep in mind, vs s.lp pressure for instance. :wink: so it’s like a better LK Jackknife from deejay, since it requires no charge.

an overlooked buff is also Ex Raze:

20F => 15F Start Up
1-17F invincibility. that’s actually a decent, half screen reversal. kinda like ex zonk, only better. this will allow us to use it better on reaction against fireballs and pokes.

I double checked the OP, street11, everything is/was up to date. thanks for the work. I hope you’ll keep us up to date with Paul related info from jap :stuck_out_tongue:

Since throws deal none recoverable damage that 20 seconds would be really good for him lol

It said ONLY super so I thought that it was a nerf. So hangover is not forward HP, huh, because I could hitconfirm that to phoenix smasher or ex phoenix smasher, I thought that they were referring to that move.
Daamn, that’s a significant buff, cause I often use that move :smiley:

My meter is always full, probably because of my meter gems and partner (Guile), I never needed to sway to built meter. So to me it’s not really a problem :slight_smile:

f.hp (Hammer Punch),
P (Hangover)
P (Demolition man)

you can start the string with f.hp which can be also canceled into super and smasher (copying another move from tekken) or straight with df.hk (as f.hp, df.hk doesn’t combo), and cancel that with Hangover (the “elbow”), which now can be also super-canceled, instead of going into demoltion man.

I play also Guile x Paul. probably won’t change it anyway as I’m too out of the game to consider something like switching guile out anyway.

canceling into super won’t occur as often anymore tho, due to the meter nerfs across the board, and you have to reconsider that you now can use meter for ex shredder.

Yeah, I looked up the frame data to check what hangover is.
I often used Hammer Punch to hitconfirm into Super, but now we can cancel from Hangover to Super. It’s a really great buff, makes hitconfirming it far more easily and it will also deal a bit more damage I think.

Now that I think about it, the reason why I always have full meter with Paul is also because I never use any ex move with him. Hitconfirming to ex smasher dealt less damage than hitconfirming into launcher with Guile. Ex scissor wasn’t so reliable to use as a reversal and ex mountain raze, well, I don’t remember ever using that move actually ^^'
I sometimes used ex sway tho, especially when I did a blocked boost chain because the move gives me frame advantage on block.
So as you can see, I never needed any meter with Paul, I only used it to do super or cross arts.

Nerfing light sway is gonna hurt Paul full screen, because he can’t do sh*it. In 2012 you could at least built some meter, but now you can’t do anything. But it’s not that bad because he now gains more meter when he hits people(?) And since Paul wants to hit you and get in your face he gets rewarded even more, he now deals more damage overall AND he will also gain more meter overall :smiley:

But I definitely understand the concerns, seriously 2013 can’t come soon enough. I’m sure you’re gonna enjoy yourself in the training room, and I’m gonna enjoy reading with what everyone came up with :smiley:

We also cannot forget that EX Raze on counter hit will have the same float as normal hit now. In the current version, only on CH opponent gets sent flying away like HK Raze one. It wasn’t significant in this version, but the change is really great for the next version.

I actually use EX Shredder against air normals with a really strong priority. Soon I can use LK instead :D! For myself only, even with Sway nerf I’ll gain more meter with no need to use EX Shredder as an AA. However, crouchable or not, I use EX Shredder as a reversal in the current version too, mixing it up with wake-up launcher (lol) and simply block… okay, I might end up with less meter now and will have to block more :frowning:

I just realized that they took out Mortar Punch being midair state right after start-up on the final change list. I guess it will be the same as now, being airborne from frame 9?

EDIT: Nowadays I use EX Raze after some boost combos. The float is really great, and normal Raze will be so easy to combo into after change. The ambiguous jump-in against quick recovery after LK Raze finisher will be gone tho.

Well, we cannot combo f+HP into df+HK unless it’s CH, but with Super, we will be able to go for a 50/50 with f+HP into Super or df+HK->P into Super.

I don’t think it’s scrapped. they are just often missing out some info. I think they would stated the revert back in the Paul change log from a week ago (or so).

most of the new stuff can’t be used in training mode tho. many of the changes apply in actual battle against another opponent. so I’m gonna make a list with what to try, to see how it works out. xD

I’m gonna take a peek at the gems as well. Might want to reconsider them. I think I’ll keep one fortitude per character (5hit = 100 damage absorb) and give each of them meter gems otherwise. For Paul, the Super => 20% damage could be decent as well, as I can see that it might come into play even more with the df.hk change and hangover cancel.

is there an updated gem list around?

It is true that they sometimes miss them. I dont think they would miss that in the final list however, seeing how it looks like they copy pasted some info from the lists in the past.

I’m thinking of a new juggle combo such as cl.st.HP -> cr.MP -> far st.HP after Raze.

I dont think there is the latest gem list yet I’m afraid. I’ll try to find one.