SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

@FlyingVe nets been acting up for the past 30 minutes (cant properly browse srk/even go to youtube) so it could be that, been able to actually connect to people i couldnt before theres hope i guess.

The weirdest sh*t happened when I played vs a Yoshi player. His windmill actually pushed himself away instead of pulling me towards him. I will upload that probably later lol. We were both in the right corner and he was pushed all the way to the other side.

Oh and I found anti roll tech with Sakura. Post tag you can just do cl. hp xx hk otoshi till the last hit (hard knockdown) and lp uppercut. You just have to time the otoshi so you can land early enough. If you do that with the opponent being in the corner (without lp uppercut) you will land in the corner and you can switch sides with lk tatsu to keep the opponent in check.

Ah, there we go. Returning to my old Klonoa avatars. Maybe now Juri will stop messing with m-




I’d be interested in the vid.

I mean he could already hit MK+MP when doing Suicide at full screen length and tag his partner in while he runs at full speed towards his opponent. Funny ass gimmick. Especially when it’s stand off and you seemingly make a execution fuck up and get suicide, then when they try to punish, your partner is in their face out of nowhere



Technically, in the actual SF storyline, Sakura is the same age as Cammy. They should both be early 20’s. If memory serves me, Cammy is actually a little younger…but, I have to check again.

But, SFxT is a non canon game, so who knows what age she is here. Jack’s win quote claims she’s a minor still, so DREAM MATCH RULES.

Rendokan 4 lyfe

Was going to post on the Akuma board but not much going on in the character sections. Raging demon set up for the corner.

I’ve known about this for the longest…

Ryu and Juri are so far the most fun to play to me. No wonder why they’re the most popular characters online.

According to Ken’s ending Ryu is able to overcome the Satsui no Hadou, so basically the timeline used is after SFIV judging by the presence of Ryu’s Joudan and Shin Shoryuken to his winquote to Ken sending his regards to the latter’s family. So Sakura here is either 19-20 years old.

Ah man SFxT getting totally shafted at Otakon. The setup there is version 1.0 no DLC characters.

Trying to classify SFxT as canon its like trying to classify 11 out of the 13 original DBZ films as canon. Lol

Speaking of non canon: Sakura and uncle Rog are doing mad work. Finding new tech almost everytime I go to the lab. It’s also quite refreshing to do actual solo combos after some practice. Especially today I realized how my opponents only used abc into launcher even in obvious punish situations (some of them with +20k Bp) I don’t mind though since they leave me with tons of red health which I can heal up with x assault anyway.
Safe jumps are ridiculous, my opponents don’t know what’s going on and make it worse by tag canceling into my Ex headbutt lol.
Till now only Jack x, Nina, Gief and Chun were able to dominate this team. They were good players though.
I still have to get max damage combos down… I’m jealous of those who can CADC consistently :frowning:
I wanna do cl hp xx ex cadc cl hp xx cadc cl hp xx whatever.

Yeah, yeah Mr. I share faulty tech and keep the good stuff for myself and now I will act like I knew about the anti roll setup. You are the worst! No seriously though. I will share anything I discover unless it’s for characters that don’t need it. Good for you if you knew but I haven’t seen you share it anywhere. If you did, my bad.

One day RC, you’ll not come online. Instead, you’ll spend your whole day plinking and come back online with GDLK execution. Well, at least I hope so. :confused:

Seeing how I’m destined to be an online warrior and that me moving somewhere else to put that execution to good use is currently unlikely I doubt that’s gonna happen.
I will practice my ass off for that sexy double cadc with Sakura though… even if I have to resort to plinking. I might have to buy a better stick. I’ve been using the cheapest of the cheapest for months now. It’s so freaking noisy and double tapping is something I should avoid doing at night heck all day.


In the end I will be like Rock Lee when he gets rid of the weights.

The stick you own doesn’t matter mate. I started out on a cheap Datel stick which coasted about 20 pounds. Now I own a TE. But my execution is still the same. :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, what is that Sakura double CADC combo? I can’t even get it to work.

Doing 1f links on pad without plinking master race checking in

Somthing similar has happened to me too. My windmill traded with some ground crossup (can’t remember which) and the other character was pulled away to the other side of the screen. Been meaning to upload that for a while now.

Used to linking into Ryu sweep which is un - plinkable and pianoing hands so no qualms here. I play on stick though. I put my execution down to being a musician, as a drummer I just have good timing.

In my case it does since I don’t want to annoy anyone with all the noise the stick makes :frowning: But you are right though, my execution won’t improve with a new stick.
Desk made a video a while ago. The Ex CADC is fast enough to allow a cl. Hp into cl. Hp link. The second cl. Hp is a counterhit which allows another link into cl. Hp with a regular CADC.


Yay more bugs to warrant a patch? :stuck_out_tongue:

How is linking into sweep unplinkable? I thought the only unplinkable links were the ones which are which links into jabs by the nature of plinking (because nothing has lower input priority than jab)