(SFxT Balrog Guide) Tell me something I don't know

Heres some tips and combos for anyone who cares.

some simple strings
cr.LK > cr.LK > chain cr.LK/(cr.MP or st.MK)/st.HP
on block this will push opponents that still have trouble punishing.

cr.LK x3 > LP.headbutt (MP.headbutt for some crouching characters)
cr.LK isn’t a true block string but will beat most crouching normals when executed with timing(try plinking)
during cr.LK block string try to hit confirm into LP.headbutt(or MP.headbutt according to distance)

after headbutt
1)cr.MP > dash upper* > dash upper > tag cancel
2)cr.MP > dash upper* > HP.dash straight
3)cr.MP > dash upper > Launch (walk foward a bit)
4)cr.MP > dash upper > Cross Art! (if in the corner you will need to walk back slightly which takes some practice)
*(<- hold) -> (<- hold) LK (charge dash upper for half a second) then release. LK before (<- hold) usually result in a backdash

after dash swing blow(overhead):
1)cr.MP > LP.headbutt BnB
2)chain cr.LK/cr.MP/st.HP/launch
you may connect any normal after dash swing blow

after being launched in
cl.MK(cl.HK) > LK.dash upper(no special cancel) > launch
cl.MK(cl.HK) > LK.dash upper(no special cancel) > st.far HP
it is possible but not recommended to special cancel close stand MK >dash upper > (HP.dash straight) or (dash upper > tag cancel)

What the hell can I do after hitting counter hit stand far fierce punch?
st.far HP > turn punch*(1-5 combos well) >LP.headbutt > **
*if you were lucky enough to charge 8-final without getting bullied just tag cancel
**after LP.headbutt
1)LP.dash upper(tag cancel)
2)HP.dash straight
3)launch (walk forward if mid-screen and I don’t remember if it’s quick enough in the corner)
4)Cross Art! (from the corner, walk back slightly)

*If you have trouble landing counter hit st.far HP, try charging into ex or identify your opponent’s target combos, which applies mostly to the tekken cast, and interrupt them with st.far HP(try interrupting law’s whiffed target combo for example).

How do I get in with Balrog?
Balrog is best used on point, in my opinion, because of charged ex dash upper/dash straight.
Charging his dash can be tricky however, he also has no safe tag cancels against blocking opponents.

Charged Dash straight
1)dash back when you are too close to super during a standstill
2)has armor
3)-3 on block so you are generally safe
4)difficult to punish with grab
5)punish fireballs (be concious of EX projectiles)
6)anti air EX dash straight combos:
> LP.dash straight
> LK.dash upper > st.far HP or j.forward HP > tag cancel
> Lk.dash upper > Launch
> cr.LK > LP.headubutt > tag cancel
I have yet to confirm some of these combos

Charged Dash upper
1)dash back when you are too close to super during a standstill
2)has armor
3)+5 on hit makes it easier to go into BnB combos starting with cr.LK/LP
4)do not use as a poke, it is easily punished by crouching opponent
5)punish fireballs
6)anti air ex dash upper combos:
> LP.headbutt > HP dash straight
> LP.headbutt > dash upper > tag cancel
> LP.headbutt > LP.headbutt > tag cancel
> LP.headbutt > launch
I have yet to confirm some of these combos

When to use meter
Try not to extend or finish combos using EX moves.
beat annoying pokes with EX.dash upper or punish a jumping normal in that ground bounces with EX.headbutt

i hope this small guide helps someone somewhere. I would like to hear some tricks you guys have.
-RoTb Coffee

Good stuff, what can I connect after EX dash straight? The pushback seems to be a bit too much.

This is exactly what I needed. Thanks.

Hp dash low straight is better than hp dash straight. Same damage but a hard knockdown. I already got a 6 frame safe jump afterwards.

You can replace dash straight with dash low straight in his combos.

i’m sorry about that, it is in fact too much pushback. i honestly haven’t tested a couple combos but they looked probable judging from the frame data.

I preferred dash straight over dash low straight because the sound of the impact is so satisfying. I didn’t realize the low straight was a hard knockdown, thanks :wink:

What is optimal combo after high launching tag cancel?

I.e. xiaoyu phoenix stance qcf kick, or sak dp, or juri qcb hk

Try turn punch , dash upper , dash low straight.

It definitely works with Akuma’s and Sakura’s dp and quite a few other moves. If you hit Sakura’s dp while the opponent is standing you can even do two turn punches back to back. You have to tag cancel before the opponent is in juggle state.

and what about corner max damage in corner off high dp tag cancel?

To tentatively answer my own question:

J. hk, cl. hk, far mp xx hp dash straight.

Sorry, forgot to check this thread. I will see whether j. Hk cl. Hp cl. Hp xx hp dash straight works. It definitely works with lp dash straight but I’m not sure about the damage.