SFV PS4 legacy controller compatible sticks/PCBs (see first post)

got a link for that?


Check his tweets from the 15th

For others who are reading the thread, the 15th we are referring to was the 15th of Feb 2016.

I was under the impression that the requirement for the DS4 being connected was because you need to have a profile connected to the player in SFV, just like it is in MKX.
I’m presuming that the profile requirement isn’t there for Skullgirls.

Have u tried using a USB 2.0 hub for the Stick? My TE-S will only work if it is connected through the hub and not directly to the PS4
I have to plug in the hub first, then connect the joystick and it will be detected

Do you need a profile for per controller? Iow do you need 2 profiles for local multiplayer? Ive been playing on pc so far.

Heres how SG handles it:

Yes, you do need a profile per controller (actual profile, or guest profile), regardless of whether you’re using actual PS4 controllers or not.

The USB hub totally worked! I didn’t get a non response for 20 minutes, which is the longest I have gone so far! Thanks for the tip!

Q4RAF works. I have this["]version](http://i.imgur.com/Jk3Dh7M.jpg[/img)
there is another version of Q4RAF with ‘stickman’ logo if anyone can test

Soooo I see the Qanba Q2 isn’t on the confirmed working or not working list. I just ordered one so now im scared and kinda bummed I just blew money and its not going to work lol. Arrggh

so is the 5ms for brook device the usb adapters, the ps2 to ps4 or both? Do you happen to know if they did lag test on the brook ps3/4 board?

Wonder if they want us to buy more joysticks or if it has something to do with the fact they arent funded enough? Seeing how we got a barebones release

If that is the case, they wouldn’t include the drivers

i think they just had to rush their implementation so they probably copy pasted most of it from their usfiv code. Hopefully theyll take some time to improve ps3 legacy sticks support.

The Qanba Q2 Glow Evo Edition works with the legacy support! Because of that I believe the whole Qanba Q2 series should, but I’m not sure about the details on it.

Yeah , I’m more leaning towards the release being rushed.

And they include drivers but they work like crap. Gets ppl playing then getting mad to inputlag. So they go and buy a “proper” arcade stick. If capcom was evil that is

I can confirm that the zero delay pcb works without any problems on sfv with the legacy support. A small hassle is that you have to assign the “mode” on a button in order to switch to POV hat and have working inputs on the joystick. I bought this version:

I am just hoping that Capcom will improve the drivers for legacy support and be the same as SG.

Well mine finally arrived in the mail, 2 days after the online tracking said it had been delivered, go USPS!!!, came in plain brown box, no retail packaging, mine was not branded Insignia either :i_dunno:

Anyways after ten days of nightly 2~3 hour sessions on PS4, and then taking the adapter with me back to work during the day for “Office Rounds” on PC, that Amazon Hub + ✪TAC Universal PS2 to PS3 Controller Adapter + Any PS2 stick or controller is a pretty stable setup as far as legacy sticks go :slight_smile:

I can get away with a lot of stuff at work, but damn, I don’t think that I could ever pull off “Office Rounds.” Lucky!

Hori RAP3 works

InPin ps2 -> ps3 adapter does not work.

Qanba Q2 works, but the buttons are different, circle and square swapped, r1->l1, r2->l2