SFV Lounge: SRK Cross Tag Battle

he probably hasnt run into any good alex or zeku players yet and im sure blankas better than that

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Iā€™d move Juri down. Sakura and Alex up one tier each. Alex could be good this season.

Itā€™s a decent list, hard to know how good everyone is this early. I think Karin is better in 3.5 for sure. Her new one bar bnb does a little less damage but does significantly more stun, builds v gauge and has better oki. Not sure sheā€™s back to S2 good, but definitely better.

Nash still seems better than people think.
Ed should probably be bottom.

Whatā€™s the deal with Sakura? She seems to have gotten a lot more popular even though all the lists I see still have her low.

Really disappointed how garbage Blanka ended up being.

I think his list is mostly good but just odd placements like bison birdie and mika being above urien. but who knows how good urien is this season ive NEVER ran into him online since the start of s3

She got some nice buffs. Her combos are way better now that she can link mediums, that was huge for her. Her neutral is so strong because she has basically the best walkspeed in the game coupled with good normals.

She needs a pro repping her though, otherwise I donā€™t see her moving up on these lists.

Thatā€™s weird I run into Urienā€™s all the time. Heā€™s probably my most common opponent behind Guile and Akuma.


Iā€™ve seen a lot more Zekuā€™s lately and Iā€™ve been mostly playing on PS4 with Alex myself.

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You guys also have to remember league plays a large roll in who you run into.

Jus saiyen

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Twin, you made me do this again. I know Iā€™m a silver scrubā€¦

I donā€™t know
What this moveā€™s gonna do,
But I know one thing,
Iā€™m gonna keep mashingā€¦
Baby, 'cause Iā€™m a scrub
All day, every day
Baby, 'cause Iā€™m a scrub
Canā€™t confirm for the world
Uh huh, 'cause Iā€™m a scrub
Thatā€™s right you heard
Baby, ā€˜cause Iā€™m a scrub
Uh-huh, oh, yeah, mash it out


Akuma and Cammy has no flaws and S tier. All is right in the world.

I feel like the last three rows in that list should just be one block like the one above them. Those characters are pretty much in the same boat.

Nobodyā€™s arguing with the top 4 though.

Juri seems about right to me, just above the low tier.
But I disagree with Urien placement and the low tiers seems messed up

People really thought that reduced pushback on booms was a nerf for guile? Get out of here

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Some were saying that the EX flash kick change was a ā€œnerfā€ for Guile also. Unless you play a super ham rushdown Guile that never booms, I would see that as more of a buff. If you EX reversal/AA the opponent you get your entire ground back.

Sakura will definitely move up. Blanka probably will too. c.MK elec gives really strong oki now and elec was bumped to plus 3 on block (EX still plus 6).

Iā€™m around 18500 in Diamond and in ranked I usually run into Urien, Akuma and Guile. Thereā€™s no way youā€™re going to be in Diamond without seeing Urien and Akuma. I sporadically run into other higher tiers like Rashid, Bipson and Ibuki, but those former 3 are the most common. Iā€™ve still only fought like one Abigail in ranked and Iā€™m sure the nerfs wont help that. Menat is also really rare. Run into more Kens (although its the same 2 or 3 Kens) as well.

Have also run into a couple Blankas. One of them being Royal Fist (high level SFIV Blanka, also mains Urien in SFV). Havenā€™t seen one Sakura in ranked. If I train her up enough I might start putting her in ranked just to get one in there LOL.


I ran into one Sak in rank like last week. Menat is just too niche. Youā€™ll never run into Menat.

For me itā€™s def Urien, Guile, Akuma with a few Ryu mains still fighting the good fight + Cammy & Buker.

Honestly I think because the player base is so small and because the ranks thin out once you get to diamond you are basically only fighting top level players using top tier.

Hell I donā€™t even run into any Kolins. I prob fight more Fangs then my girl.

Everyone but Ryu, Akuma and Ken see pretty niche numbers online looking at usage stats, they swallow like every other characters pick rate lmao

can someone tell me where the fuck i can find the soul calibur 6 thread?

Pretty much. As far as overall player base goes you canā€™t beat shotos. Competitive/tournament players know that the shotos are not SF2/IV shotos and know more about the tier list to branch off.

I thought this was the SolCal6 thread?

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in that case

nah but seriouslyā€¦cant find it at all. same goes for other fighting game threads.

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