SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

How did Hilde work? I know nothing about her, except I’ve heard she supposedly was Tekken 4 Jin-levels of broken in SCIV.

CE Guile didn’t have a bad matchup in a game where half the characters were God tier. His cr. forward may be the best normal in SF history.

Interesting, probably he don’t love the fact that now the character is more accessible to a bigger crowd, isn’t simple to make yours different from the others. That’s a general SFV thing anyway, at least he was lucky enough to decide to dump his favorite character for another one, I wish to have the possibility to choice in December.

She was a long to mid range whiff punish monster and pretty much SC’s only charge character. Holding either A or B started the charge progress and the longer you held the button the stronger the attack got. Some of her advanced combos needed mid-combo charges and such which took a while to get used to but made her feel like nobody else in the cast.

She was broken in SCIV because she could ring you out from almost everywhere on the stage. They got rid of that in SCV and made her feel more complete and fun in SCV, including some really devastating EX moves and combos.

Super fun character. I’d even go as far as to say that for me personally, SCV Hilde is the most fun fighting game character I’ve ever used.


Mina might be a good pick, then. She has great long range mids and lows to harass with, combined with huge range whiff punishers and keep out tools. In other words, she has the tools to control the game and set mistakes up, and the tools to take advantage of said mistakes. Generally characters like that tend to be great. Her damage is solid, too.

She has some clear weaknesses (general up-close game), but I’d guess she’ll end up like Jack in Tekken 7. Even if she has issues, her fundamental strengths and straightforward gameplan will more than make up for that.

Talks about Guile around 22:45 and timestamps are in the description.

I had no idea MrWiz wrote the KOF Maximum Impact strategy guide.

Learn something new every day!

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So any word on when the update is dropping tomorrow? Any updates on it at all?

I’m assuming it’s going to be delayed since if it was coming on Tuesday it would have had a note in the games message log for maintenance by now.

Well, the maintenance is coming.


That means message log should be in the game then. Everyone will be able to block ex booms on reaction at Canada Cup. Great news.


Probably they will say something today around 9 am PDT.

I like how Mina’s 1B has basically the range of a SFV stage. That character’s moveset looks insane on paper, strange that she hasn’t showed up a lot in tournaments yet.

It’s day 4. Give it time.

It could also be that her shortcomings at close range make her completely unplayable, of course. We’ll see.

Thanks, I just hope this update is what we think it is. The pessimist in me is still skeptical.

This update is a lie.
There is no announcement for a new Falke costume!
I guess they are just going to fix code indeed. :frowning:

There is literally no reason to play SFV anymore

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Please input delay update save us!

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Ugh, I already hated Mickey Mouse. This doesn’t help.

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Well that’s just not good enough. Lag fix is useless for Alex Nation any ways.