SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

The tourney I organized was super hype. Great attendance. Everything ran smoothly. Bunch of new faces showed up, so we got some recruitment done. Shitloads of upsets happened. The bar owner was super pleased and wants us to have another tournament later(and also gave me a bunch of free beer for organizing this). I also had my strongest tournament performance ever, getting to winners finals and eventually placing 3rd.

Pretty nice day. :3


Other than Sword Calibur being a game that Daigo doesnā€™t play, no.

Oh yeah thatā€™s what I meant. BECAUSE SoR has returned (and Shenmue) thatā€™s literally enough of a miracle for a new VF. Before those games got announced Iā€™d say the chances of Sega bothering with underdog 3d fighter were slim to none.

With DOA coming back from the dead and Marvel literally on its way to come back from the dead for the 3rd or something time, anything is possible now really. Mutant League Football could come back at this point.

Oh waitā€¦it already did.


We gotta have a Streets of Rage: SRK Edition playthrough when it comes out. Assuming you can organize your own games and stuff. I think X-Men online was totally random in how you joined, but itā€™s been yrs since I played.


Iā€™ve always wanted to play the OG SoR games with people online.

I wonder with this era of multiplayer gaming that theyā€™ll go after a 4 player mode for online or stick to traditional 2 player. I imagine itā€™s possible theyā€™ll try to go all out and get 4 player gaming going

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Abigail needs to be in Marvel 4 as the sentinel of the Capcom side.


so you want the game to bomb again? :honeybee:

Abigail is a license to print money in any form of media, in this world or any other

They will put Hugo instead. Hugo > dumb Abigail.


Hopefully bullshit, but hope that PS4 users here already know this

In short, some PS4 exploit reportedly doing the rounds - like the SMS bollocks from a few years ago. I hope itā€™s nothing, but takes only a sec to set your message privacy settings.

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Hugo is alright but no abigail

Thats why in final fight hugo is a regular enemy, and Abigail is the Goro/Kintaro penultimate boss.

That lost to wimpy Cody.
Hugo took his family to fight Mike ā€œMachoā€ Haggar. He is 10 times the man Abigail is!

Lost to Guy. Its canonical that Guy fought Abigail while cody ran away to fight Belger, a literal cripple in a wheelchair cause thatā€™s more his speed. He knew he couldnā€™t match up against Abi.

Belger used the wheelchair because heā€™s a lazy asshole. Heā€™s perfectly capable of walking around.


itā€™s okay because he beat his ass canonically in SFV, didnā€™t wanna waste his time with the trash so he gave it to Guy

also Belger had a shotgun

Cody didnā€™t know that. He saw what appeared to be a cripple and he was salivating at the mouth at an easy fight.



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Doesnā€™t matter.
None of them have a mighty moustache as Haggar has.
So they are wimps!

Cody saw the sweet pussy he was going to get later that night by rescuing the damsel in distress.



hi can I get your thoughts on Cody beating Abigailā€™s ass into submission canonically in SFV