SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Elena’s healing did a pretty good job of reminding people that ultras suck even though they got mostly close to making them way less sucky than they were in Vanilla. V Triggers are oppressive, but I at least like that they are a different mechanic in use compared to ultras which were just supers part 2. Plus a lot of the cast were way too reliant on EX moves and FADCing to ever see them use their supers much any way. Like i don’t even remember what Elena’s super is in IV.

V Skills in V have the problem that supers had in IV where a lot of them are a too throwaway to see much in matches, but luckily a V Skill isn’t end all be all for whether you’re strong (ie Cammy)

Juri’s VT2 is completely better than Falke’s VT2. Partly because Juri has better offense than Falke and is a stronger character without v trigger than Falke is. If Falke’s VT2 was 2 bars it actually wouldn’t be too terrible because she’d at least reliably get room to hit confirm into it.

Juri’s VT2 is much safer than Falke’s VT2 because it’s plus 1 on block so even if they block it they have to v reversal you to avoid the activation and plus frames. If they don’t have a V Reversal or popped their trigger it’s pretty much free advantage and meter building. Whereas with Falke’s VT2 if it gets blocked well…a caveman could punish it.

The trigger if she gets it going allows her to just dump her super meter without fear anytime she hits you so you can easily dump a big combo into super on you in the second round and then still know they she has a trigger that will bring her back up to 2 bars or more with relative ease on a hit confirm. It’s obviously not a good trigger vs strong zoners like Guile or Menat, but pretty useable vs a lot of other characters.


that VT2 was so strong that Capcom had to stealth nerf its meter drain


So, I’ve purchased a flight to Amsterdam for Tekken 7 finals and i was sure that there will be some tickets.
Well, event is sold out and now I feel like a big fool.
Hoping that someone will be willing to sell a ticket in front of the venue…

No player in their right mind would pick VT 2 Juri over VT 1.

Multiple uses of the kick she does upon activation would make it decent. As it stands its almost useless.

Capcom built SFV around the complaints of the extra lame play that characters like Elena presented. They will definitely make sure to not do anything that allows Elena to lame out fucking Guile. Pretty much easy to see that attaching restoring health to comeback did not work in IV.

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I mean we didn’t think Sagat would have reasonable zoning ability either but they gave him tiger shots with good recovery and no extended hurtboxes on start-up. But then made him weaker in other ways.

I still think Healing will be a VT, but they’ll make other “balances” that’ll make it not worth it, so she still has the classic thing she’s known for but people won’t hate it. Or something like that. Healing VT just seems like the lazy way to go about things that they’ve been doing, like how Ken and Chun got old supers for their VTIIs and Sagat got Tiger Cannon.

I knew Sagat would have decent shots. They threw away the “nobody can pew pew zone” thing once Guile hit (and yeah it was pretty obvious they were going to make him honest to compensate). With that said, they still do not allow overly lame things like being able to do most special moves while jumping backwards (relegating Akuma to a semi zoner at best) and aren’t going to allow a move that caused the most time outs of anything in SFIV to manifest anything close to its original fashion.

They want everything to be active and even the zoning in this game is very active with Menat being able to turn her ball into offense once she releases it and Guile having a super slow v skill boom that he can walk behind and set up offense.

Elena’s healing ultra brought the slowest matches ever seen in SFIV so they are going to axe that first thing in on the drawing board if she hits V. If it even becomes her V Trigger it’ll be super fair in comparison.

…that’s what I said though

I just think they’ll put it as her V-trigger out of laziness, but make it fair/bad. Or make it her V-skill with a ton of recovery where it’ll basically be useless

But if they go the SF x TK route and she doesn’t have it but has amazing buttons and good walkspeed instead I won’t complain

Yeah I know it’s what you said which is why I threw it in there in the case that that’s what happens.

If they just don’t put it in period that’d be great. Just make her like 3S where she throws around b+HK a bunch and call it a night.

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If the have dual supers then it won’t matter.

Happy Thanksgiving my SRK fam!


Pretty much. He can still easily handle himself on the ground vs characters that need to land 40 of their good buttons to win like Chun, so against characters like Sakura and Zeku he can completely outclass them on the ground without much issue. Easily top 10 footsies/ground game while also having top 5 offense and fireball game.

Guile, Menat, Karin, Chun, Bison, Cammy, Birdie and Kolin kinda tail ending it I would say. Could throw Ibuki under Kolin, but mostly on her V Skill countering most of the characters that otherwise outbutton her pretty easily. Without V Skill she basically can’t press buttons at even decent button characters like Rog other than s.HK CC fishing.

Which that’s just more so how good they are at swinging their buttons. Doesn’t really encompass overall footsies, just the best at swinging them in neutral. Akuma is a bit shorter ranged than them, but once he gets within range he clearly has a button game that can compete with them and has a fireball he can throw to outrange the ones that aren’t Guile and Menat. He may not have quite the buttons that the others in that list do, but the utility of his buttons clearly puts him in the higher tier of footsies regardless.

Bison is like Akuma where people don’t always see he has great footsies because of his walk speed (like people don’t always see Akuma because of his range), but once he is in a spot his buttons are way up there. If he had Akuma walk speed he’d probably have the best overall footsies in the game.

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If I made a fighting game it would be just blocking. You’d win by blocking longer than the other guy.

And yes I mad that I can’t block and I also hate G now.

Sounds like you could be on the dev team for SF6. No buttons for people to get mad at. Just blocking.

It’s ok to hate G. He punishes you for doing the right thing and blocking. Which is lame.

Wait, so was dan a troll character or legit in previous games?

He was simply a troll character up until Super SF4 and beyond when Capcom decided to put some effort into making him a part of the mix for real.


He was a troll character, specifically designed to be weak. He did have some useful stuff (dan kicks and koryuken were legit good tools SFIV) but his normals were trash and he lacked damage.

The fun part is that, iirc, his frame data from SFIV is quite similar to the frame data of SFV Ryu lol. Says something about the difference in power level in those games.


His frame data will be above Akuma’s in SFV.

SFIV was probably his strongest game even though he still sucked.

Kick special into DP into FADC into throw?

Man, SFIV was stupid.
Nerf Dan.