SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

That health nerf Ibuki took has been rough on her

It is but xian didnā€™t play the odds. Full stock plus active vtrigger means take a few throws. I know its a meme now but its still the best solution in some instances

wellā€¦on the bright side, you start to become like daigo!

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Bonchan would win because heā€™s a better player but I dont think heā€™d prove that Sagat clearly wins the match through his play either.

With the distinct difference that Daigo is really good at fighting games and I am the worse SFV player here! :smile:


I love how you can hear his peculiar accent even in his tweets


Question for you guys, how do you improve or get comfortable dealing with pressure?

I definitely have a lot of improving to do for my neutral or midrange game, but dealing with pressure has always been where I really crack. I usually just end up panicking. I become susceptible to cross-ups and mash during blockstrings and wake-ups. If I try to calm myself and just block, I end up getting thrown too much. Then I get flustered and start mashing throw techs and then I eat counters.

Iā€™m in the bronze leagues so I havenā€™t spent so much time learning all of the frame data and appropriate punishes for all charactersā€¦ I was kind of thinking Iā€™d start working on that once I reach the higher Silver leagues at least, and just focus more on building a decent foundation, but Iā€™m wondering If I should start labbing that now, as maybe that in itself will help build my confidence?

I main Sagat for what itā€™s worth. Thanks.

Naw itā€™s 0 on crouchers. I checked sfv oki for the numbers.

But itā€™s plus against crouching 4 frame characters SO THATS WHAT REALLY COUNTS!!!

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Without insulting anyone ,in Bronze leagues people rarely know how to do real pressure,so most likely you are falling for a lot of fake or unsafe stuff.

My advice is to try and simplify your gameplan and observe what the others are trying to do.

Crouch block and wait for them to do something stupid.

They dash, just hit your fastest button and punish them,neutral jump also works to land in some chunky damage.
Donā€™t quick rise if you get knocked down all the time.
Play in the most simple way possible and you will be surprised how many just end up killing themselves.You play Sagat,so you donā€™t give a crap about staying full screen.Establish a fireball game but donā€™t get too predictive,throw a couple and chilax,wait for the random unsafe thingy.


Thank you! Reading this, I realized I have a tendency to block too much - like when I see a dash, I always go to block. I need to change that habbit and throw out an s.LK or something.

I was also thinking back to a match I had against a Zeku today, and when they were YZ, they kept doing that dash into overhead or slide, and I would just hang back and block and put myself in a mixup if I guessed wrong. I should have throw out buttons, or Tiger Shots/Knees.

Iā€™ll work on that and work on your other advice. Thanks!


I had to deal with this exact thing. Hit me real hard once I was trying to hang in Gold.

I canā€™t really type up a lot right now on my phone but once I get access to some internet on Monday Iā€™ll PM you some of the things that helped me.

Skortā€™s advice is also right on.


Awesome. Thanks!

Itā€™s a very hard thing to coach someone on mentality, but I usually think that if someone is panicking over something in-game they lack an understanding of whatā€™s going on to rationalise things quickly.

Itā€™s probably due to a lack of understanding of what you need to be doing on the defensive, where to take turn, where a backdash can be applied, jumpback jab etc. Focusing on a few select defensive options - DP, jab, backdash, jumpback jab as a few examples and finding spots in pressure to apply them might help you out. But at the end of the day every character is forcing you to play incorrectly and open up as they attack.


Step 1. Pick Falke.
Step 2. Press PP
Step 3. ???
Step 4. Get to fraud gold in 4 ranked sessions.


Red bull conquest started. Idom Laura is a treat to see.

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Off topicā€¦i bought a 34 inch curved monitor on Black Friday and itā€™s gonna count as my Christmas present as well since it hit me right in the nuts when it comes to price.Itā€™s 160 HZ as well,i wonder if itā€™s really gonna feel better from my current 60hz.

Howeverā€¦need to see DAT JURI on that screen !

Gonna arrive in like 2 damn weeks though,ouch !

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No itā€™s 0 on cr.block. Go look it up.

I wish Punk didnā€™t allow himself to be so deterred buy those tatsus. Sure, he got tagged by a few but they are raw guesses. All he would have to do is mix in a few High shots and he would have been okay

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