SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

His mobilty is much better than Sagats. Neutral by pass is why the game is shit and why people cant get any better at it.

I think Zeku seems pretty decent. There’s lots of characters that seem pretty decent ( even Sagat), if you just sort of slice the top 5 characters out of the game.


Young Zeku with a CG? Already afraid to get touched. A CG sounds scary as fuck.

He’s not terrible. Mid tier like basically everyone else. His problem like I said though is that he didn’t really have anything abuseable… something other midtiers have that allows them to shut brain off and concentrate on other things… zeku is like the Barry sanders of sf5. Some of his best runs are him getting back to scrimmage, or in zekus case, some of his best shit is just trying to get to places where he can setup damage.

Dunno, YZ Hozanto is already good against zoning, I’m not sure I want a retarded get inside move to skip neutral. Highland is right, Zeku isn’t wrong, the question is why some characters have that kind of neutral skipping braindead moves first. His VT is too honest and the VTC general nerf didn’t help one shot VT characters like him at all. Zeku is just too honest, we’ll see what Capcom want to do with him.

Controlling the neutral is harder with Old, at least for me, his grams aren’t strong enough to keep the opponent at the bay. With Young I can play around neutral based characters normals looking for counterhits or whiff punishes, but in general he has problems against these kind of characters, I agree with that.

Exactly my point, like many mid low characters he looks like a character created for another game, you can’t rely on bs here.

If the youngin got a command grab he might have to give up his slide sweep.

Once he gets a command grab he would be directly competing with Laura in certain respects and she has nothing like a slide.

Though YZ has nothing like L elbow on hit.

Personally I’d give him re offense before a CG. Probably by making his ex palm move forward and give less pushback on block.

Something like that. Or I’d give him better dividends on hit as far as pressure is concerned. But he feels like something is missing atm

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Would be absolutely stupid tbh, he’s already good up close, at least in Young form.

He’s only stupid against people that panic. Those that block give him a hard time.

Basically all of his mixups are soft. You jab him at the right time and his offense is over. Stop his dash back in or his crossup back in and he’s pushed out with nothing much to show for it. This doesn’t make him weak, but it doesn’t make him strong either. He’s pretty standard for an offensive character outside of his slide.

All depends on what Capcom want to do in general with the game, if their goal is to make everything easier and dumb for everybody then yeah, it’s a possibility, but half roster having a CG looks strange.

Meanwhile I discover I can air grab Cody V-Skill, it’s not that much,but still something. I didn’t encountered many Cody tbh.

With old zeku you have a good st lk (4 active frames) into bushin gram on counter hit, and if you fail to buffer the move if spaced is still safe. The light bushin gram you can somewhat control the close mid range and it has fast recovery. It works as an extended poke. Cr mp is also an excellent poke with great range and can be canceled into v trigger. The St hk contends with a lot of other long range normals (outranges ryu’s sthk and does not whiff on crouchers). It’ s a good button to get cc.

I notice from watching zeku streams people lose a lot to the character because they dont know his gameplan, gimmicks or mix ups. At best you have the neutral jumpers at lower levels who jump a lot against young zeku. But it works well against lower level players but not the better players.
For example you cant let young zeku get away with run stops. So often i see young zeku’s do st hp into run stop which is really unsafe.
sweep v trigger 1 combo (after you press buttons in reaction) is common and people have no clue how to deal with it, it’s hard for zeku player to punish you if you press light buttons or dont press a button at all, also the end move is -2 so it’s your turn after. Auto mattock used to get so much mileage of this.
st hp pressed twice is -10 and can be punished with a sweep at worst.
Once zeku is out of your face he’s really not that strong and cant link his l into his specials and will be looking to use his run or st hp
His buttons have really high recovery so whiff punishing is possible.
Baiting a sweep should always be part of your gameplan because zekus cant help but use this move if they see you walking back.
Young zeku has trash anti airs so dont be afraid to play jump. Dont be afraid to throw fireballs at young zeku (if you throw one after the other then it’s easy to get punished) because his hozanto is a read punish and not reaction and they’re -6 on block so lab that punish. Most young zeku players will be smart enough to walk you down and not use hozanto if you play a smart fireball game, in that case use your superior normals if your using guile or sagat to keep him out and bait a sweep. I think old zeku is more dangerous with ex bushin flip because it’s fast and has fireball invincibility and its hard to react to.

Against old zeku. Dont get baited into jumping early on the game. Most zeku’s will most definitely look to dash back and transform so look to punish it. Just walk him down early in the game and let the timer go. If he starts erratically using bushin grams then jump all the time. You only eat 120 damage of a his anti airs anyway. Also a whiffed h bushin gram koku can be punished on reaction from 1/2 screen away. Dont be too afraid of old zeku’s punish game because they’re lacking. Always be ready for a bushin flip. Bushin flips are easy to anti air jab or air grab but some zeku’s press their normal early, in that case it’s unsafe and press buttons when he lands because old zeku is - at that point.


Some Akumas are really embarrassing.

Cody has a command grab so he wins. Even with slight favor to Cody for having SFV and command grabs on his side.

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If you have the same issue that I had (SFV freezing when alt tabbing between games), there is a simple solution - use Windows + tab instead.

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Reading this thread makes me miss this game.


Keep missing it, the game is still shit. Wait until S4.


I may be taking this whole “just take the throw” thing a bit too seriously.
With Falke, I am doing a wee bit better, with around 7% of throw techs on PC and PS4. :unamused:


Play Soul Cali bruh


it’s +1 on crouchers, not 0

p.sure I’m not wrong but could be

That’s ridiculous

Akuma did nothing wrong and that’s why he won. Looks like a epic comeback to me! Now if Ibuki was down by 85% and Akuma was down would he have posted that clip of him winning in an epic fashion :^) :^)