SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

This match was remarkably fast.

That was sad and expected. Dunno why Nemo didn’t go to G. The command grab alone would have guaranteed a 8-2 matchup.


Rog has the right set of tools to give Bison a run for his money. Smug shows he has more experience in that MU than HotDog so he deserved to win.

Want orbs? Here’s Menat :cocktail:

I want maracas. Bring Dee Jay.


I want healing

Bring Elena

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Offtopic to Kumite, but I am such a scrub…

Every time I get obliterated, I blame whichever character I’m maining at the time, and then swap to another character.

The character has nothing to do with my losses, not at my level anyway.

I really just need to play a character that I like the most (from a design or gameplay standpoint), stick with them after every single loss, and watch my replays to understand why I lost and correct the behaviour that allowed that to happen.

Of course, F Champ would give me different advice:

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At the highest level picking top tier matters. But if you’re just playing online or a few locals it don’t mean shit.


Smug RBK fan art.


All depends on how much you want to win, imo the best thing to do is sticking with a character you like, top tier or not.


If you are bad, like most of us here are, playing top tier alone won’t make you win.


I don’t always pick top tier, but I still do change my character often. I typically play someone for a week and then get frustrated with losing too much and then swap to someone else.

I just need to realize I’m never going to get remotely decent if I don’t really put in the time with someone, and maintain it.


Jeah, I think you’ll get the best results sticking with one character through thick n thin. Fighting Games are about the losses too and if you keep switching characters you’ll lose valuable experience that comes from those big L’s.
That’s why in fighters I just play who I think looks cool. Stick with it, even when you feel you’re not learning anything.

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Taking L’s is normal, especially when you don’t have enough experience with the character and his MU’s, even your opponents ability and level need to be considered. If you lose using a top tier at least you know that’s mostly your fault and you need to work.

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When I switched to Falke, I was winning one match for every 10 I fought. Now I am keeping around a 60% win ratio on ranked with her.
If you keep jumping from character to character, you will just pile the loses and not get to the point where the character clicks with you and you start piling the wins.


Way to go Nemo, thank you!

Yeah because he was so amazing in SF4. Bison in SF5 is the most well rounded he’s EVER been in the SF series.

Problem X looks unstoppable right now.


Akuma is fine, guys.

Fuckkkkk it’s like Evo all over again : (

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I don’t want bison to win, but holy shit problemx bodied Tokido.

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