SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains


That might have been one of his first times even seeing the trigger. Even Tokido was getting hit by Bison stuff at Evo that I’m sure Bison mains would be like “wow he doesn’t know that?”

I imagine anyone with reactions would likely use an early jump button to beat the start of her overhead also. Like I wouldn’t want to test it vs any Bison with reactions doing it raw. Easy j.MP into full combo/corner carry. Only real legit stuff with her VT2 overhead are combo or oki setup based.

I had a dream last night that I had finally dropped Ed and was playing Balrog instead

A sign or just another road to despair :thinking:

at the end of the day you played sfv so it must have been a nightmare :bee:


You could try doing it differently. Call it “reveal analysis.” Think of those little monkeys that rely on your channel for “fighting games news.”

No a nightmare would’ve been me playing DBFZ again

A game where there are no Guiles, Falkes, Sagats or Menats…

It doesn’t bear thinking about!


I know I’ve been out of the sfv loop but did Fchamp become sfv relevant again? Wth he doing at redbull?

When did we become this negative? SF6 won’t be any better fyi and wont be coming anytime soon.

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Oil king cracked so hard. Still won, though.

Tfw Abigail gets his round stolen and you feel bad for him


Akuma is honest.


Smug is a filthy pad player? EW!

Pad is the one true way to play fighting games

Don’t have to break them to do well with them

Quite impressed with how he seems to alternate between holding mp and lp and seems to be able to find the button he needs at the right moment.

Pads don’t even work for red days!

Works fine for me when I’m having a bad day

Can’t smash and break the joystick if you’re only using your thumbs~

Easier to transport too

Bea went there, And it went right over LW head.

Not that that wasn’t expected… but we’ve officially hit pretty much every subject out there to hit.


If I’m gonna stay a virgin nerd loser for the rest of my life I’m gonna do it right


It also works as a punish for throws and even goes over certain V-Reversals. As always the problem with the Trigger is not the Trigger itself but its activation.

Fchamp vs Daigo always happens lmao. Shits gotta be rigged.

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