SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Bye ibuki :slight_smile:

Brilliant performance from smug. Great stuff.

That was a damn good showing by Smuggles.

Won 2 tournaments on the same day earlier so no biggie

Ayyyyeeeee let’s fucking go!!!
Postulated all that man’s possibilities

Nice to have Balrog in the back pocket. I feel like unless you’re Punk/Tokido you need to have a sub to make it deep these days.


I know tokido won. Wha have i missed though?

Looking at what Smug did thats why i dont give a shit about G. Boxer just does it better with a real 3 frame and is cheaper outside of trigger than G


Christ he basically blocked every single mixup

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Fujimura playing for the buffs. Cr.mk is gonna be +1 and cr.mp a cancelable +3 button.

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Let’s not act like he won because of Rog alone, I feel like that was a small factor actually.
He did not get hit by any of Fujimura’s VT mixups, it was impressive.

Even objectively outside of that match, Boxer and Urien do it better than G. Only nod to G is he does better vs Guile than Urien does

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Tokido won

Fuudo won

Gachi won

Smug won

Is that right?

I was mildly confused when smug picked G against ibuki. Boxer does way better in the matchup.


I was busy getting to Ultra Plat, looks like I’m still in the race.


Punk is going to win this from losers.

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Punk is outta this world, holy shit

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Blew that whirlwind up.

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