SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

You called?

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Cody’s defense is better than G’s. That’s why I believe he’s better than G partly (even if G has better matchups vs certain characters).

Heavy handed weaknesses like what?

Need examples.

Just anything that is easily exploitable to the point where the game becomes more about playing against the character instead of the person.

Kage having 0 range on his normals and no fb is the first thing that came to mind.

OK, let’s check that “no weakness” part:

He has less health/stun than other characters. You guys say that health/stun does not matter. Just remember how many times you’ve lost to someone who made 2-3 guesses into stun into death. Now imagine if you had 100 less. You just die more often than with other characters.

His fireball knocks down and that is great, but you cannot play fireball game just outside of the normal range against many characters. You could kind of do that before, but after s4 nerf, that approach is not as viable.

On top of health/stun, his reversal does not hit neutral jumps and can be punished by neutral jump combo. Nobody cares about that on this forum, but try playing him just for a few days and you will see what I am talking about.

He does not have a normal with vertical range that controls the characters like Gief. FP is the closest thing to that.

Do I think that Akuma is great?
Yes, he is, he is still top 1/3/5. That does not mean that he does not have bad match-ups.
Besides that, people finally got better at fighting him. You can see that in tournaments, I see that when playing online. Days of using EX DF to win are long gone. Now, more often than not, you get AA, thrown or CCed for trying that.
VT1 is still strong, but most people press buttons when they should not.

Red fireball is a fireball and his s.HK is basically a slightly weaker version of Chun’s s.HK (still really good).

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I think he’s referring to like:

A character has no anti airs
A character has literally no defensive options worth talking about
A character has terrible pokes by design

These can work if the character has something thematically and mechanically offsetting it, like G’s level system or Gief’s… standing next to you. It’s worse when you’ve got something like Sakura who is designed as an all-rounder but has a glaring weakness (her poke being a light kick) because it only serves to handicap her and isn’t there to add anything to her game feel.

Nah Kage ain’t got no heavy handed weakness lmao. His normals are just shit, he can contest most MUs going 5-5/4-6.

That’s the Vtrigger system in a nutshell.

Also, lvl up characters are almost always bad because they have to trade offense for lvls/charges. And since by design they have to be worse than normal pre level, they tend to languish spending much of the match not a real character.

Yeah Kage isn’t the best example. Vega having no iframes on CA or a VR in the corner is a better one, but I wanted to avoid using him.

Yall making it hard for me to concentrate on my hw.

Yeah Vega is a good example, but he can work when his claw normals are worthwhile at controlling the ground. He has shite normals and god awful data, so his weaknesses aren’t warranted.

Sim in IV was also just fucking dogshit because he had trouble making use of the FADC system and his keepout was mad risky into a lot of MUs.

Ono plz announce new character at NCR!

Ah, who am I kidding, Juri is probably gonna get some nerfs “for good measure”.

Extra Juri nerfs are always a good measure!

When’s Gouken



Rumors of his death were greatly exaggerated

(Plus he’s in the opening cut scene)

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I thin we should ditch the idea of Akuma should be the master of everything or all jack of trade for the sake of usability.

He already had a unique playstyle essential to his which is his air fireball so let that be his trademark alone while losing the effectivity of the other playstyle or the option to play as effective like others.

He said crippling weaknesses, not good than kick your ass so hard your grandchildren will feel it.
Fuck Susano’o fuck his 5B6B bullshit.

Shiki is in SamSho

Shit really? (just speaking of Akuma here, I think Ibuki way better than the rest of the cast, but I never feel like fighting her is too unfair somehow)
But I have no idea what Akuma’s clear weakness is.
If you mean health, please punch yourself in the nuts as hard as you can.
The other clear weakness I could think of is that he’s played mostly by trash players who can’t play neutral for shit and rely on air approach and strong oki/pressure, or at least that’s my experience from online and my local.

I’m a fucking SFV shill be Chris is right on this one. I don’t know what Japan’s problem is. This honorable samurai bullshit gotta go. Just accept the west does something better and implement that shit.

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