SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I’d give that damage buff to fireball instead of SRK, especially since the latter already does high damage.

You make his fireball too much of a problem and he is invalidating Sagat.

This is the issue, there’s so much shared design space here that one characters are going to invalidate others. I realize that his is just reality, but I still hold the problem is that Akuma is, by definition, a super shoto, and that’s the core issue.

Yeah that alone would automatically put Ryu up to a point where he’s like a CPT threat and not just good at not being the worst, but Papa Capcom won’t want that.

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Sagat’s been the Burger King since Super SFIV. He’ll just have to hold that.

To simplify. What Ryu and Ken (to a lesser extent) is a tool that Akuma outright doesn’t have.

One way to do that is to take something away from Akuma.

As an example of what I mean. In SFxT Ryu had CADC fireballs, sweep cancel, and a + on block HK jodan. Those were strong tools that Akuma had no “super copy” of.

Edit: fake fireball is another idea.

Akuma can keep his Shakunetsu Fireball to compensate.

As for Ryu. He shouldn’t be change his specials his the poster boy of those iconic moves not just SF but the whole fighting genre.

As for Sagat he lack the close range advantage of Ryu normals

Going off topic, I am now reading Ichigo 100% for a second time.
Satsuki is Bae.
Shiki is in SamSho
@mochalatte Teach me Ken
Punk must win

Thought you believed in the World President. SMH

Nay to all is probably the safest bet to the crystal ball. Anything can happen though. Be interesting to see who jumps a yay or 2 to try and clench the correct reads.

Nah my suggestions would fix Ryu perfectly. He’d have decent buttons, better meaty button, better conversions off cr. Mp and reliable sweep on normal hit.

He’s probably the easiest character to buff atm without making him op.

That’s why I added the extra details.

You should have us guess punks actual placement.

I could, but that’s more complicated and doesn’t force you to make as hard of a read. Punk is either really coming back back to back or going home. Gotta choose.

OK, this is a good post, compared to the other ones.
I agree that it should not hit cross-ups. However, what do you get by doing that? You will nerf bad players, you won’t nerf Tokido at all.
Empty fireball VT is strong. Take it away, I don’t care, it will force me to activate on hit/block.

And nerfing Akuma won’t make other shotos more viable. Best Akuma players (and it’s not like there are dozens) will switch to other top tier.

The goal of removing Akuma standard hadouken is to remove his option to play like Ryu.

So people that want to play as Ryu would pick Ryu without the option of being Akuma.

Ryu just need better normals and priority along with the tricks with LP hadouken, yet he remains predictable and obvious as his weaknesses because of his fewer arsenal of specials.

I’m talking about future SF not SF5

I feel Akuma is just at the point where he’s just a strong character and that’s just what he’s going to be. Trying to papercut him down with only 2 real seasons left is just more work than its worth and just hear more crying from the Akuma players after the paper cuts.

Thing with Akuma is that he actually has characters that can beat him now that aren’t even super high tier, so him being strong is good for meta IMO. Forces people to branch out into other characters instead of just go “woe is me my charactor is an inferior Akuma let me cry”.


Honestly I’m fine with where Akuma is at. I really don’t think any of the top tiers need nerfs other than birdie vt2. It’s just akuma B. Hp is a red flag with what they did to Cammy.


I kind of hope SF6 doesn’t even have Akuma

Ryu but with more shit isn’t a compelling design. Kage is a better take on what that could look like, as was Gouken.


Suggestions like removing ground fireball Aren’t realistically targeted at this season. It’s just general discussion of how you could balance him.

In my list of SFxT reason Ryu was good, you could implement:

-fake fireball
-+1 HK Jodan
-Sweep cancel.


I think a plus oB Joudan would be cool.

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Ryu buffs:
Make st. Mp +2 on block. Give st.lk it’s range back. Cr. Mp +6 or +7 on hit. Make cr. Hk 7 frame startup. +10-15 damage on his srk for the kicks.

Sakura buffs:
St. Hk 10 frame startup. B. Hp -4 on block. Faster HP fireball. Give LP SRK AA invincibility or increase cr. Hp damage by 10-15.

I don’t play ken. :man_shrugging:t4:

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Shit you’re fine with where Akuma Ibuki and Rashid are? You either posses godly calm or you’re not thinking straight

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