SFV Lounge: No News after the grass, 10K POWERRRRRRR

Got my 100k FM, now I’m just gonna sit on it in case they want to release a new character in the near future

Back to bbtag :slight_smile:


I mean LK Stomp off a crouching medium.

Might play some sfv later tonight but not sure. Going to be tough to shake off all the rust. Would probably play Chun and hit some buttons if any east coast players might be on later

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I watch SF with a passion, I just don’t play it no more.
I loathe how the game plays, and how people play it. I don’t find it fun.
I don’t really enjoy watching UNIST, but I love playing it.

I love the design of Shotos, Sagat and Guile in particular. I want to play footsies, throw fireballs and DP when you jump over me. That’s all I need. And Capcom do that better than everybody else.

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How did you go about getting the 100k?

I didn’t renew my last PSN as USF4 caused so much salt. But Capcom know exactly how to make the kind of fighting games I either, enjoy playing or enjoy watching.

I was sitting at around 38k and just ran through some trials with low level characters

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I appreciate your honesty.

Confession time.

SamSho looks dull as shit. I’ve kinda followed stuff about it and outside of character designs I’ve yet to see anything that seems particularly appealing. It’s like someone heard “it’s more fun to drive a slow car fast” then set out to make the slowest car possible, this completely missing the point of the statement.

Also, that comeback mechanic looks… awful.

But that’s okay, I don’t have to like it.

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I would like another Killer Instinct game actually.

Best character,i love Rash.


Rash was cool, but it felt like almost all the new designs were Iron Galaxies doing a darkstalkers impression.

Game went from mostly humans to mostly monsters. Weird nitpick, I know, but its one of those flavor things that sticks out.

Thats why I like it. Its an old dull 92 to 94 fighter. Probably some lab anime stuff to do, but otherwise its a game an old man can just hit buttons until they win


Fair enough, but most old games are not as dull as SamSho.

Like I said, it isn’t for me… and that’s fine.

SF5 needs a mode where I can fight money match people.

Lets up the ante on this ish.


50 FM bet for every match.

Capcom’s cut 20% of the FM.

Easy way for Capcom to suck us dry of what we have.

@Pertho is a Capcom spy


That must mean you think the older Sam Shos are dull too



Im legit surprised this thing has Sanwa components.


Only thing I’m really worried about in samsho is that issen move, I think it’s called. Invincible, anti airs and does like 70% of your health. Basically have to block until they run out of their timer. You’ll be taking more throws in that game than sfv lol

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