I haven’t cause I avoid fighting games on PC cause I like fighting games. Have I heard those issues from countless other people though? absolutely.
You’d be wrong then. Even harada fucking hates Denuvo and blames it for poor PC game performance, he’s been quite vocal about it in the past.
And yet, T7 is 900p on Xbox One X. That is embarrassing.
And honestly, I don’t care about what Harada and MM are saying, especially after the whole TWT price pool talk controversy.
I am not promoting anything illegal.I mearly gave emulators as an example to showcase that :
1 pc can run console games with no issues
2 to tie a franchise to one platform and condition it’s players to buy is just wrong and an insult to you as a consumer.
Take for example Xbox users.Did suport SF4 for years but SFV only on PS4 ? How do those fans feel ?
Yeah, right, forgot about that Mario Odyssey game code for Steam I saw the other day. My bad.
Actually that’s just running a business. And whenever you’re not ok with how a business is run in this world, you just don’t support it with money. What you don’t do is go out all the way to somehow get access to whatever they’re doing by very shady means because you really want to enjoy their products while not giving them money for making it happen.
We’re living in a capitalist world, that’s just how it works.
Again: games first, systems second. SFV doesn’t run on an Xbox360 either way so if you wanted to play it you’d have to buy a new console anyway. If it matters to someone whether it says Playstation or Xbox on the box they’re either 15 or their priorities are upside-down.
Even if denuvo slows down the performance he has no right to complain really.
Since it’s their choice to encrypt the game with it or not.
Say what? Not every Xbox user is going to own a PS4 and vice versa.
Outside of games made exclusively by the console companies themselves, console exclusives are bad.
This sponsored stuff keeps getting worse.
Sigh. Indefensible.
The real problem with T7 on PC is that that piece of shit crashes if you alt-tab during a screen transition. It’s pretty infuriating.
That’s pretty much the only really negative thing I’ve experienced with playing any fighters on PC, though. Everything else works fine.
That also happens with SFV, so it must be UE thing.
Huh. That’s never happened to me in SFV actually.
I know you didn’t forget
Just saying that the bet was over a Season 4 character pass…which doesn’t exist
I won’t mind much if season 4 is just 2 characters. What will get me pissed is that knowing capcom, they’ll stay silent until EVO, reveal Good Akuma, and say “I hope everyone enjoyed season 4. See you in Capcom Cup!”
Fixed and Fixed
S4 won’t be anything less then 6 characters unless Capcom decides that SF 6 will be released in 2019 and developing more characters would be a waste,and that is highly unlikely.
I think they have multiple ready,including some from S5 and are just deciding who to add depending on the audience interest in the game.
Now is a good time for a Resident Evil, Powerstone, Deadrising or Viewtiful Joe Battle Royale
Casuals =
They already said from day one of the patch that they cap the sponsored FM. Nothing new. Can only shill so hard.
Indeed, but considering how little FM you get from it, this limit must be really low to be reached so soon.