SFV Lounge: Menat BUFFED, F2P SFV coming, CCCC COMBO BREAKERS coming

Juri really needs an EX store. If you dont want to give her all three for one bar, then at least 2 and make dependent onnbuttons pressed.

Actually, she’d be better if she worked like Jam in GG where she can hold uo to 3 of each of her stores. But then she also has access to those moves and stores just improve them.

Hmm…bring back SF4 Juri and forget this bullshit ass design that doesnt work.


It’s just highlighting that Juri has little in terms of raw data that’s +, LK release is a variable though which has been excluded

Doesn’t really mean much tho

I propose a radical new buff for Juri: make the 2nd hit of her standing mk cancelable.

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it’s not that hard, Zeku use his stance to switch to his younger form not to access the special move that allows him to change into his younger form.
A better comparision would be Birdie having to whiff a 30 frames move to get a one time only use of his can before having to stock it up again
Btw, this topic really is cyclical, I blame @amrraed for this, and Froztey too

That’d actually be insane because she’d then have access to auto spaced +oB lk fuha blockstrings which would be confirmable into ryo on hit

I propose the only Juri buff anyone gives a fuck about:

Officially remove that black under layer she has on her default outfit.


I actually like the latex look though…


Why blame me ?

I am arguing with the facts. When Skort said she does low damage, i brought up her actual damage numbers and compared them to Ryu. I bring up facts that makes the character well rounded like having good defense that the 3F and DP represents and get told that it is "over simplification " every time.

Then we bring up her Store that is 30F and i bring a character like Birdie who commonly use his can, which is 50F and again it is over simplification and an example that doesn’t apply.

basically every argument i will throw or counter will be responded to with a " No, you don’t know better, it is actually so deep that you can’t compare it to anything else". Fine, Juri is low tier if he thinks so.

He brings up Packz and Tyrant and say they agree with him, when they said that Kage is top 2 and Froztey himself is saying that he isn’t that amazing top tier atm. So when it is about Kage their opinion isn’t credible but when it is something that supports his argument about Juri, their opinion is credible.

So whatever


G is good

Rewarding and tournament viable? Hell yes

Exact tier placement? Dont know dont care


Juri’s been out for almost 2 years, Kage’s been out for less than a month

As if the character didn’t change in the two years, nor have the game or all of the characters surrounding her.

That is a very weak argument.

??? I’m allowed to disagree with people lmfao

So basically you’re mad that I’ve presented counter arguments to your poorly put together points?

My apologies for not being your yes man.

The comparison to Birdie’s can or banana is bad because both put a hitbox in the screen. For the price of two stores, Birdie changes the complexion of the screen heavily in his favor.

Juri can do SF5 stores all day and nobody gives a fuck. Thats why Birdie is a bad point of comparison. You never really wanna deal with Birdie’s can but you can shrug the stores.


What counter argument did you present other than " Its over simplification " ?

Did you miss the giant fucking paragraph or are you just being ignorant purposely

Anyways, believe what you believe. Its your opinion, i am not gonna argue for an hour over Juri.

Lolwat you just feigned ignorance and then left the discussion? Fuck off

Bitch I’m not arguing about Juri’s placement I’m referring to player opinion, which often fluctuates early and settles as time goes on

People may go all over the place with Kage and what he can do but opinions will settle as time goes on, Juri’s already had that time and what she can do has barely changed

Well fuck, the dream is dead. No peace, only war.

Sexy, foot based war.

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