SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

the one with chun nude and vega slicing her in the bedroom? its a good one :coffee:



Also @DevilJin_01 please put this image on the front page


For me Kage has been one of those characters that rolls you until you’ve seen him do things a few times… then it gets less scary.

And with Kage that happens really fast, and gets a lot less scary.

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I thought Lage was on purpose hahahaa

Another day on twitter another dumb ass day of peoples shite opinions. Tourney Money this time.

Honestly there’s Aliens that go about lighting spot fires to see how we all react, it’s the only reason this shit can happen lol.

Twitter, what a shit show.

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Siri is daft sometimes.

I travel a lot so I’m frequently posting from a phone, that can make spelling difficult.

I’m in LA this week…

I had a quick convo with Packz talking about broken VT2s, he has Giefs VT2 pegged as broken.

Twitter is wild sometimes.


I’ll see about next thread.

Rumors have been going around lately of second General Story for SFV so considering how much work it takes to make something like that…could be part of the delay.

You generally have to be cynical as all fuck to believe that they would 3 years later make full arcade cabs for the game only to stop content. Arcade cabs aren’t cheap and not every fighting game still invests into them anymore for a reason. I figured they would eventually put together the cabs because it’s just too integral to what started SF and what the Japanese competitive culture works their environment around.

Also did you have any luck figuring out how to navigate projectile dudes? You could refer me to some CFN matches of yours that I could look at also.


I imagine in certain matchups it might be really good, like those against non fireballers since his vt1 is an anti projectile tool he needs it less against non projectile characters, then his oki and vortex just get stronger.

Kinda like even though G’s vt1 is ridic, if you have a problem with defense against non fireball characters, his vt2 can be good as a deterrent against autopilot offense.

That’s not saying giefs vt2 is broken or any sort of film flammery like that, but people tend to see games, based around the character that they main.

Kage is somewhere in between Ryu and Akuma in honesty. In vt2 Kage can dish out a shitlload of damage from a anti air or ex dp in V2 and there are ambiguous set ups with VT 1 and lastly his ex stomp is an overhead that starts in 20 frames.
V skill is pretty honest. And his damage is negligible unless you get hit by his stand fierce or down fierce ( only combos in Ch) both have little range, most of the time you’ll be getting hit by his Cr mp. His stomp game (Cr mp into m or h axe)I is nonexistent since it can be option selected, if you get the timing right you’ll always be able to hit the player out of it which is free damage. His normals are stubby, in addition to weak fireball giving him a subpar neutral game.
Capcom designed the char with a lot of inbuilt weaknesses, on top of his low health and stun makes him fair imo.

Follow up: Cold Pursuit is pretty damn great.

I accidentally went into the wrong theater but didn’t realize it. I was wondering why it was so full for a movie that has been out for like a month on a Tuesday night.

Then the lights drop and it turns out to be a special screening of a Josh Groban concert.

I have never been in a room that was that uncomfortably white before. I was able to escape before they could smell the sin on me and sacrifice me to their smiling, musical white Jesus. Even managed to make it to the right theater before the movie started.

So it seems the most points you can get out of a match is 165. Barely managed to win against an Ultimate Grand Master FANG and got that. Was hoping for some giant pointage for winning that.

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We’re you not playing during S1 and 2? Back then if you beat someone far above your rank you would get far more. I think the most I ever saw was when Art lost 330 or so. He was the first Diamond rank and lost to a Necalli who I think was Silver at the time.

This was before they started changed who you could play by rank. Even in S2 it was hilarious seeing Master’s lose to Platinums. I don’t remember how much plats got, but they only lost 5 points to a Master lol

Who the fuck actually cares about SFV’s story? Or any fighting games story for that matter :joy:


It’s not a thing for me, but people take Mortal Kombat’s story super seriously for whatever reason and DBFZ pretty much has free lore built into it.

I’m already messing around with Blanka glitch. Not too hard to do with 3K mapped to L1.

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I don’t care much for story modes in fighting games but they can be a nice break from just playing online at all times, plus it’s cool to see what the characters do outside of the “Round X, Fight” realm. Even if its just for an hour, it’s an interesting experience

Also regardless of caring or not, it’s good to have one since it can ensure casuals can get into the game since it’s SP content and such, because after all SFV took so much (and still does) flack for having such horrible presentation on release. Maybe that stigma that SFV has wouldn’t be there which is definitely something that is a curse to the game to this day.


I spent an hour and a half last night watching Rei and Toki do infinites and today I wake up to a Blanka infinite in SFV of all games.


I don’t know what it is but 20K is my curse at this point. I can beat all these grand masters or get some galaxy brain moment that makes me feel like I’ve improved only to lose it all in just a few short rounds later. I don’t know if it’s the character or me and both. Like Kolin is good I don’t think she’s bad. So I know the fault isn’t here tools. But I swear I hit Super Diamond and then fall right back down to base diamond. I’m always within like 3 matches of ranking up and I feel so fucking bad taking games off dudes like 4 leagues above me because I’m good enough to beat them but not good enough to stay on their level.

Shit is maddening

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