SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Yeah playing story mode so i can unlock 21 and I’m in arc 2

Frieza can do some crazy sexy (and good) combos with the disc. Including solo combo into his otg lvl3.

His otg lvl3 has a crazy high minimum scaling so it does a lot of damage. Also it’s cool because… you really aren’t supposed to combo into it.

You can dodge this disc by ducking, 2M, or just doing a deflect.

Ah, Android 21.

…her and Beerus are the only reason I even tried the game

Yeah i been ducking and trying (failing) to deflect it.

So far my favorite character I’ve tried is Piccolo but his slow orb seems lowkey trash even though its why i like him. Slow projectiles are my favorite.

Slow orb is godlike mate. Use for mixups after hard knockdown.

Lol as if i have any idea what im talking about in this game.

I just thought it sucked because beams eat it as far as i can tell.

Mixup assist not neutral.


It’s not just good for KD either. It’s really fast (startup) as an assist makes it solid for pressure. And you can still follow behind it, if they get antsy and super dash, you explode them.

Also, piccolo jL is silly.

Android 21 finally gave me a big boy female character.

what? Those are the best wins, you know the guy is so salty and annoyed at you figuring out his shortcomings that he wants to deny you the points.
I take those as if they were double LPs.
And btw I just made an ultra gold Abigail ragequit :partying_face:, this guy was higher ranked than me but I gess you can get away with murder with Abigail at gold rank

Does anybody have good fight stick recommendations for PS4? I had a hrap4 Kai I think it got ruined by a soda I’m looking at another one.

I like the TE2 but I prefer sanwa stick/buttons.

Doesn’t hrap come with sanwa parts? I’ll either get another or I’ve seen a few qanba sticks but I’m not familiar with them at all.

For me the parts are the most important thing.

Other than that, I just want a bit of heft to it. I usually have it in my lap, so that keeps it nice and stable.

HRAP has Hayabusa parts. Sanwa parts would feel a lot more sensitive by comparison.

Yeah that’s how I look at it I’ve been playing pad since my last stick broke last year. The misses actually popped up today saying she wanted to get me one for Valentine’s lol. She’s looking at the qanba obsidian it has sanwa stick and buttons.

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She sounds nice


I think they have solid reviews. I know some pros use them.

I only mentioned the Sanwa thing because they aren’t going to be everyone’s preference. They are generally regarded as top of the line parts, but they are very sensitive. Many people prefer less touchy components. I know people who like Happ parts which are the polar opposite.

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I’ve been using the Obsidian for a year or so now. FWIW I like it a lot. Used to play on a modded TE2 but since I bought the Obsidian I haven’t gone back.

Edit: actually it may be closer to 6 mos. The last half year or so has really stretched out for me. Regardless, good stick would recommend.

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My hrap felt sensitive af to the point I considered seimitsu(sp?) parts because I heard they’re a bit stiffer. It wasn’t ruining anything for me just noticed it here so but it was fine. Yeah @vhozite she spoils me sometimes, but we also use Valentine’s as a excuse to get each other things :joy:

Thanks pretty much seals the deal for me the reviews sound solid everywhere I look.