SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

The thought briefly flashed through my mind of using Mika as the secondary

But I’m pretty sure she shares the same bad match-ups as Ed so fun side character she remains

(Quick sketch done by @DiasFox :3 )


Ken player told me his dash was 16 and I just take most ppls word on things cause i cba to look

Yeah there’s definitly more to it than just the frames.

Rollback doesn’t help.

Though this does all feed back into the games core loop.

Buttons stop dashes, stop guarding, stops CC, stops buttons.

Does Ed have any winning matchups!?

Mika may have some losing matchups, but she can cook a motherfucker. She always has the threat of putting you in a blender cause you got touched once. I’m not afraid of a half dead ed sitting on trigger and full stick of meter. Mika though? One fuck up and RIP.

That also means it’s too late to complain.

Anybody who tries to find Chris T’s twitter to complain about Ken’s 15F dash is gonna get what’s coming to them.

Why do people say Alex got buffed? He still needs to spend meter to get anything done and has to go sicko mode to win.

He did get buffed though? It just didn’t really plug his bigger holes.

It reminds me of the patch for SFxT. Everyone briefly went nuts over Asuka’s buff list but they didn’t touch any of the things that made her crap.

In fact I’ve argued they nerfed her, as the deleted her step kick, and having a strong AA was no longer a selling point.

Ex knee hitting grounded gives him a grounded blender from all hit confirms.

VT2 buffs made neutral conversions better, and due to the ex knee buff, VT1s blender isnt as needed to maintain momentum.

He had some other really nice buffs. Some normal adjustments, powerbomb damage buff IIRC.

SFVs training mode is absolutely fantastic. And them providing up to date frame data on CFN is amazing.

Kudos where it’s due.


I main Ed 'cause he has a lot of things I like and is currently my best fit.

Mika still doesn’t really fit me, I just try her out occasionally in battle lounges 'cause she’s fun. It was a brief thought and I wanted an excuse to post that pic :'3

Honestly I think I’ll just pocket Menat at the end of the day 'cause I think Ed’s worst match-ups are Guile and Sagat and she wrecks both of 'em, but I still need to play Ed more and actually get experience instead of switching all the time and staying shit


Let’s play Sagat vs Menat some time

My Menat is shit I could lose to a Zangief with her

That wouldn’t prove anything :frowning:

I meant for fun you dingus

Just imagine if V Reversals could kill. I miss chip kills like this:

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Playing for fun is worthless.

No one here enjoys SFV. That is abundantly clear.


So he went from bottom 3 to bottom 10? Quality of life changes for sure but game changing? He only gets plus oki off of ex knee and ex power bomb.

Any footage out there with good use of vt2?

You just want something to trash talk me further over :frowning:

I see through your tricks!

You can’t make a character that has no tools that make you strong in the meta be strong by just buffs alone, Alex is good right now for what he is but the game doesn’t fit him at all.

He’s slow, has trouble maintaining momentum, his CCs are risky in neutral to chuck, his mids are slow so they get eaten by CCs easily. You won’t fix that much without changing the game.

Problem X uses VT2, it’s good.

You can always play her mentor the holder of TRUE MUSCLE POWER, Gief!

Makoto’s dash in SF4 was 16 frames.

Expect it to be around 12 frames for SF5. If she’s in at all.