SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

I am in America too, but in the south part of it! :angry:
Still, I can no longer claim the throne of being the worst of SRK. :cry:

Realistically, I am currently one of the top 10 best SFV female players in Brazil, potentially top 3. Which is daunting, sad and wrong, because it shows the level of the female players here are low.
So I have to uphold to that, accept that I am half decent at least and work towards being the best of the lot in this game to pave the path for the future generations of female SF players in this country.

It is my duty to be the shoulders the new generation will stand over to see and reach farther than I ever could.

So no longer “I am terrible at this” Bea. From now on the focus is only on getting better and better. :angry:

We can try playing sometime! Worst thing that can happen is we give up do to the connection.

My internet is pretty strong, and I have some solid connections with people a long way away.

If we have an American scrub off, I will use Kolin. If I’m going to win that waste basket, I will do it honestly.

Note: when I get home from work today, I will try and set up my PS4 to stream. We can maybe stream to that SRK twitch if we ever get a big casual room going again. That way we don’t clog up the forum, and other people can laugh at (help?) us too.

Stop being a scrub. Dizzy is great. I got dizzied by highland like 10 times today and only dizzied him once. It’s still a great mechanic.

Get better defense so you dizzy the opponent. The shit has existed in one form or anther for years. In sf4 it was hkd and in sf2 it was the same.

People seriously just wanna play patty cakes or have the ref come in and break up every clinch.


It’s worth noticing that when I challanged Twin in a FT10 I learned photoshops basics and did a title card for the match.
I do not feel treated like the princess I fancy myself to be.

Not sure what not liking stun has to do with being a scrub?

Also, you have yet to actually defend stun. If it is, in fact, a great mechanic, defending it should be easy.

Defending it “is” easy.

You want buss ass? Get dizzied. You DONT want bussass?

Play patty cakes.

Not sure what’s so hard to understand.

It’s a fighting game not a patty cakes game


You don’t know shit about patty cakes.



There was only one game I lost via drop. The first time I played @Akhos with Alex I dropped my V-Trigger cancel of all things which I could have canceled into Sledgehammer, EX Back Drop for the kill. That said Ahkos beat us like to 50 to 8. With I think all but one of those loses not coming on his sub characters. He’s a fraudulent scrub. Meanwhile I’m catching hands in the corner like Akhos was the LAPD and I was Rodney King.


@DevilJin_01 Not gonna lie, that Falke alt you be using is soooo adorable on her. I’m deadass about to get it for that reason alone.


@DevilJin_01 gon give it to ya
Talking shit about kunoichi!?
Jin gon deliver to ya
Combo into V-Trigger 2, it’s real
You can’t stop that giant shuriken of steel

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I’m okay with how stun works in this game. At least with the stun bar it is clear and like Highland said it adds an interesting psychological dynamic.

Where it does get painful is when you’re in squash matches like yesterday. It can make it extra hard to learn because the rounds can become a lot of exchange -> corner -> stun -> dead. There are lessons to take away from that but it can get frustrating when you feel like you get so few chances to try an idea.

Practically all FGs have that kind of squash so it doesn’t really bother me, just gets kinda frustrating during the learning process.

Speaking of that, while waiting for the matches to cycle through I was checking in the discord and saw an exchange between Twin and Pookie that hit the nail on the head with how I feel in the Akhos fights. Trying to toe the line between being patient and too passive, active but not over aggressive, and for me not fucking things up mechanically (that is gonna be a ways off).

When that gulf is there you really feel it, and it is interesting because it is a meta concept rather than something purely mechanical so it is a helluva process trying to figure it out. It is really satisfying when one of the tumblers clicks into place even if it does take a lot of corner dizzies to get here. :smile:

Also I’m still not sure about a char. I know for sure I want a character that has good-to-great neutral. I like that aspect of SF and I always find myself irritated playing a char that trades that for something else. One of the reasons I keep circling around Kolin as an option.

I also like how G has safe specials that you can use to kind of peck at the other player. Sometimes I think I’d like a Ryu (eeeeeh) or a Guile but its not so much zoning as being able to chip as part of pressure. Grey health does sort of do that anyways in this game so I guess that isn’t a big deal.

I’m probably overthinking it but this is also hobby thinking which is fun in its own way.

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Bear in mind also that there was a lounge before that. So he actually was at something like 70-10. :smile:

Akhos’ scrub status is faker than the attack on Jussie Smollett


Stop trying to make me look good

I get dunked on by Doctrine and Frost and DevilJin for free I’m still bad :frowning:

… we aren’t trying…

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Akhos is a rotational NBA player complaining about getting bopped Lebron, KD, and James Harden. You still in the NBA. The rest us are just trying to get a pick up game at the gym. :rofl:


I actually have an unusually difficult time against @Akhos specifically. I do better against the other good players. It’s a puzzle I haven’t solved yet.

Actually how does that win counter work? At the end of the night it said I had 1, but I had like 5 or 6?

…I have no idea what any of these references mean

Depends on how the lounge is setup. If you are playing FT2 or more, it only gives you a win if you take the set. If you play FT1 then each win is counted. If you reform the lounge, then the wins and losses are reset.