PHEW, thought I almost got jew’d out of my 6 bucks…wait a minute…
“Season 4” characters will be released for “FM only”
And they know FM is hard to farm/come by
so instead of releasing a package of all characters for a set price
They’ll just release each character for 6 bucks each time OH VEY
if you don’t want to pay 6 bucks don’t worry we’ll have FM Booster packs for 2.99 :^) :^) :^)
I’m guessing they probably don’t believe season passes are worth doing at this point. If not that, they probably think individual releases are better off going forward. Personally speaking, I don’t think the individual releases are a good idea, as I can see more people skipping over characters.
If they do make you buy everyone separate which is a very bad business move i still will because I an a consumer whore and so are all of you, don’t even try to front don’t even try to pretend.
Most video games make the majority of their money within a small window after release. Maybe that’s what Capcom is thinking. The Hype of a new reveal, leading to impulse purchases.
Capcom released their last 3 characters a day after their reveal (G, Sagat, Kage), and people got hype. Remember with Cody, his release was a month after his reveal trailer, which kinda killed the reveal hype. You could literally hear people saying “what? June 22nd?”, when he was shown.
Without a season pass there’s no deadline, no expectations. They can drop a character whenever they want.
This whole “you can play the new character now/tomorrow” thing might be the new strategy. Even Tekken did it with Marduk and Armor King.
That makes the most sense out of anything. They’ve seen the insane reception this ploy has gotten the last few months so they turn it into their new business strategy. It’s probably a really short-sighted strategy but at the same time I can’t imagine they feel SFV is going to get financial support for so much longer that it’ll matter.
I take it that they’re winding down on content for sf5.
Monster Hunter sold well and doesn’t have to have big tournaments and all that money going into it. I know they said 2020 but it’s really hard to imagine them still dropping new characters a year and a half from now. The real question is how is the esports thing working out for them financially.
Well me and my old weakness have rekindled a flame. Memorizing meaties and set play (Kage.)
Also I think I need a new fight stick entirely yo. If I get shaku one more time whne going for axe kick. I know I can’t blame my fight stick, it’s a clutch execution thing that I need to smoov out but overall my stick is done for minus the actual joystick.
In that case they’ll keep it going then. It’s still all a little confusing considering how everybody reacted to knowing the cast ahead of time for season 3 to them going nah fuck that. I mean either way I’ll be playing the game just wish I knew where they we’re headed with all this. I set myself up for failure expecting them to do that again. Hopefully they get it figured out by Evo Japan.