SFV Lounge: Lupe please comeback! DevilJin moving to Mortal Kombat 11

Rank reset on the one hand would be the best thing to do. Make it quarterly or bi yearly and it’s good to go. Everyone gets to play everyone at first then it dwindles off… like a 3-6 month tournament that you can enter as many times as you want.

But then on the other hand we have to come back to reality and realize this is capcom we are talking about, so things being handled with any kind of intelligence is a total crapshoot, and there also the stupid warlord/300k LP or whatever rankings that people have been grinding to get for years now. It wouldn’t be fair to those people to reset the ranks. Though I think a rank reset is good for any game.

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Just as Mecha Godzilla was built to combat Godzilla, a new being has been formed to combat Sonic Fox…


One more week for Juri’s outfi then I can go back to her. I’ve been suffering by forcing myself to play Sagat and trying new things…and I must say…Sagat/Guile MU isn’t as bad as I thought. Guile can steamroll forward but good defense can take you a long way…long way straight into the corner holy fuck Sagat sucks in the corner I’m not Bochan

But I do like how in prime focus you can punish his VS with regular uppercuts no Tiger Scar needed but you better have that shit loaded. Also fuck Alex actually no it’s not Alex.I’m just getting really tired of Crush Counters…now I know how it feels when people hated Focus Attack

Also Sagat’s stHK is booty butt cheeks up close and screw AC DPs I’m using jump back lk

Sagt’s new stHK should work like this…after you press stHK, his Tiger’s paw appears from off screen and kicks your opponent from behind. There I fixed Sagat. You really didn’t read all of this did you?

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You got to do the good stuff and not the bad stuff in the game.
Which is WAY harder to do than it sounds.

I will likely never leave the gold ranks.

It looks like Capcom might have to double-down with, “Gill available tomorrow!!!” - the day after the Capcom Cup

“You can have your Shao Kahn” - Capcom

but Gill sucks, we already have his better version


That Tron color on Juri though.



I only see Hatsune Juri and Dark Elf Juri here.

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Doesn’t make any sense for rank reset esp for pros, at best it just be a competition to who can first go on a 50 win streak. And for platinum - diamond ranks they’d eventually plateau back to their ranks anyway and the whole thing would be unfair on the beginners.
Would it encourage bronze yolo Ken’s to change their ways? I doubt it considering they play the same way in diamond rank

Here is why rank reset needs to happen every year.

You compete in that meta with the current balance patch and it shows your progress / performance in that season with the character you played.

Overall your performance, be it good or bad should not be reflected in a new season where pretty much the entire game changes.

Every year the rank should reset and a list of all players should be available on the CFN showing their ranking on that particular season.

Different character ranks should become a thing and LP should be tied per character not per account.It would allow people to practice their alts in ranked or casual without constantly be matched with people using their mains.


Doesn’t sound too bad. They’d just need to change the point requirements for some of those ranks then because not even Trashbox will be able to get to Warlord (or whatever it’s called) in a year.

But then again we’re approaching Season 4 which is probably the last or second-last season so maybe it’s too little, too late.

Gill isn’t even really well known outside of the SF fandom (nor is he particularly popular inside of it).


I want a model viewer for SFV that allows me to rotate characters and use their moves in slow mo for epic screenshots.

Yes,I like screenshots.

I am trying to force Nvidia’s HDR to higher resolutions then 4K.Juri and Cammy pictures will come.

Thinking of starting a tumblr with cool SFV shots.


didnt they implement ansel too? there seems to be at least a mod for that based on some screenshots we got.

It’s a free cam mod but it injects files into the game’s exe.So easy vac steam ban.

I do have a version of SFV that I keep in offline mode to test stuff but the mod itself is a pain to use.

I would like official support for SFV.

sfv has no vac protection on steam from what i know. whats with ansel?

True it does not say that it has it on SFV’s page on steam but I dont wanna risk it.

Regarding ansel,there is no ansel for SFV afaik.

Edit : Tekken has it.Capcom pls.

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One more week


Now that’s what I call real Street Fighter.
