I’m liking this MU, I see what he sees…lets hope he cleans it up this is dope
When you think you’ve avoided Blanka’s grab and get hit by the up ball anyway
Blanka and Sim taking this? WW Unite!!!
I can’t be mad at that when it happens to Menat.
lmaoooooooo Menat is not getting touched in S4.
The orbs make it safe? Wtf is this lol.
The safe CA is the prime thing that hurts my feelings with her.
Nice read bro but zap zap
Safe CA when in V-Trigger.
This is fine.
If he cleans up his Blanka play I could see Blanka getting some clean wins but I want to see Sim Menat since I just tuned in
That was the first time in SFV history where Sim did a regular jump forward into nothing.
Just now realizing they are only playing on the CPT stages.
They usually do this for the grand finals of big tournaments.
Menat needs that safe CA. This is Marvel after all.
TRADE dive kicks, this is historical
24500 people right now not cheering for Menat.
Is it me or does this Sim player have issues with micro-stepping?
Edit: Aiight, fuck Menat.
I like watching Menat though.
That Kolin cosplay with the ads on is too much though.
Lets go ZJZ!!!
Blanka-chan hopped right into his doom.