SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

I’m gonna retweet as many monkey based stuff to @Evil_Canadian as I can.

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Gief would be even easier to fight if his trigger was bad. He probably has the best trigger of all of the bottom 5 (or what people perceive is bottom 5). Maybe Alex could tie with him.

Fang you could argue at this point has good normals and at least solid triggers. Think they’ve shored up VT1 enough where it’s not bad at all now and VT2 while probably too expensive for what it does, isn’t garbage either.

Plus there are characters that have good normals and good trigger but are not top tier (at least not top 5 ie Boxer/Kolin/G)

Vesper Arcade did a better job summing up top tier/top 5 in his video. It’s definitely more to it than the sit on the couch and thought about twitter post.

It pays the rent and bills now so yeah, basically. I have put my computer repair business on the backburner for YT/Twitch now.

Although it helps I live incredibly cheap, cause I still make less than a full time min wage job in the end.


Although min wage in ontario is basically higher than like, anywhere else in north america probably.

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Why can’t you do both. Doesn’t take that long to churn out a YouTube video. Maybe 2-3 hours. Maybe 6 for a big one.

Level up.

While the things you say are true I can’t agree with this:

This is SFV. Top tier characters with the exception of Menat aren’t just simply strong, they’re also foolproof levels of easy to use. When on the other hand you have a character like Chun-Li, whose optimal stuff is hidden by a comparatively high execution barrier (for this game) while also not having access to a dice-roll 50:50 trigger and no ‘fire and forget’ moves, so you’re going to fight an uphill battle no matter the rank.

I have no shame in admitting that I can’t single-hit confirm and regularly mess up SBK combos and IAL. But the thing is that if I was playing Guile I wouldn’t have to worry about that. No matter if I’m Grand Master or Ultra Silver. Chun in SFIV was harder to use yet I didn’t feel starting every game at a disadvantage because my opponents, even if they were playing Evil Ryu, still had to use their brains and be on point with their combos. It was, for all intents and purposes, always a fair match (unless your opponent was using Gief, RIP them).

Another good example for this is Honda in SFIV, who was godlike at beginner level and dumpster tier at pro level. You don’t have that in SFV. People used to say that Bison was one of those characters but guess what, his retarded plus-pressure and safe EX moves with 50:50 V-Trigger still worked at EVO finals. That’s why I think character strength and tier placement in this game matters on almost any level. Good stuff is easy to abuse and bad stuff is easy to exploit.

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People weren’t lying as he was when the game launched and during S1.

Now Bison is a great character (as he should be).

To do that Capcom created the most busted and braindead version of Dictator to date, his slow walkspeed don’t justify why the commitment level on him is so low. He’s also the most successful character online, wonder why. Never heard Chun players saying she need to be at least top 10 because she’s the strongest woman in the world, probably because they know that storyline and gameplay are different things. I have the feeling that Bison will be less dumb in S4, then we’ll see how many skilled Bison players will stay.

Well if SFV’s storyline is any indication, the only things Chun can do is getting beat up and carrying little girls around.

A-Bison and CE Bison would like to have a serious word with you.

SF5 Bison is a class act by comparison and hype af to watch.

Someone needs to be the most successful online character, just like someone has to be the most played. But if you look at the w/l ratios, Bison is not broken online, he just benefits from the ignorance of his opponents and input lag more than others.

Bison took a hit in S3 from his peak in S2, and he was the most successful online character after launch and during S1 (when he was bottom 2!). Yet we, and the most skilled among us still stuck by him then and now. It doesn’t matter what they do, so long as they don’t do it because of crybabies.

Tiers either don’t matter, or mean less when:

The scrubs are doing the same shit as the pros.
The “execution” even in pro games is very low level.

By and large this is the case in sf5.

Scrub versus pro in this game is almost entirely “can I wiff punish well, like punk” or “can I 1 hit confirm well, like punk”

Other than those 2 things the games largely resemble each other. Pros play a bit slower and more footsie based, but that’s about it. I’ve played silvers that try and footsie and they do the same shit the pros are doing, but with less executional reactions.

I’ve started playing SF with CE Bison and even if he was definitely strong he was part of a stronger cast. Zoning there was real, in SFV he could just dash through fireballs. A-Bison was something until Zero 3, then V-ism becomes too hard to pass. The ignorance you’re talking about could be extended to every character in the game including the actual top tiers. Tokido is far from ignorant and despite the uncontestable Problem X skill he got hit by things we all know online.

Bison being bottom tier in S1 is a long shot, definitely he wasn’t with the plethora of +oB shit he had. Crybabies allowed Bison to rise up in ranks and most of 'em were Bison players.

I wonder if that’s intentional.

If you think about it, real life sports are more often a contest of form and consistency. Strategy, while also important, often takes second place to the above.

So it would make sense that SFV, being the first SF designed with E-sports in mind, rewards consistency and good form more than any other SF before it.

Hence why peak Punk , peak Tokido and peak Fujimura are so amazing to watch, and the word “clean” is so frequently used to describe good play, in this game.

There’s no athletic ability required for eSports so it’s not really a fair comparison.

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Tiers alway matter, it’s just that different level of skill have different tiers but in a game like SFV you don’t really need to get that high to see tournament tiers becoming prevalent online

Mental toughness and stamina tend to be regarded as part of “athletic ability”.

There’s a good discussion by Gamerbee (credits to Carzydog1987 for the transcription) where he basically concludes that mental toughness is the biggest requirement for pro players to succeed in SFV.


Not exactly eSports, but Magnus Carlsen seems to spend more time on physical exercise than chess study, because being in good physical shape helps his game. Makes it easier to stay concentrated over long periods of time.


I wrote this big thing but naw, suffice to say it takes way, way, way more fucking time to learn and research, and then produce a video. I basically no longer have any free time. Maybe if I was a reaction video channel like some certain people, but I am not.


Although its worth it cause https://teespring.com/stores/rooflemonger

I’ve sold like, 50 of those fat monkey broly shirts

50 people have willingly bought my plague and introduced it into the world


You’re the stuff the legends. <3

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It’s post 5,000.

It’s time for another one